The list containing this item no longer exists or you do not have
permission to view it. The item cannot be viewed. Additional details have been
logged for your administrator.
The following lists cannot be accessed from SharePoint Server. These
lists have been deleted or you no longer have permissions to open them. If you
lost your network connection, please try again after the connection is
If you find a different solution, please report it as a comment to
this post. Be sure to double-verify it: undo your solution and verify that the
problem comes back, then redo it and verify that the problem goes away.
Some known facts /
additional notes:
1. Performance Point
doesn't support claims-based
2. Make sure the
account you use to logon the server has proper permissions to the data
connection list since when SharePoint open dashboard designer from client side,
it use the current account of the server not the current account of the SharePoint
3. Does the web app
pool identity have permissions to connect to performance point service
4. Have you configured
the unattended service account?
6. The service account
that runs the IIS app pools had to be added as a reader in the BI Center.
Run this command:
$w = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://SharePointGalaxy
Point Web App Service Account”)
Planning and Architecture Guide for Planning Server
PerformancePoint Training Documentation:
BI-VPC (This is a Virtual image that includes all aspects of PPS and
BI including samples 2 parts):
Part 1:
Part 2:
PerformancePoint Documentation Library:
PerformancePoint Marketing Site:
PerformancePoint Server Product Site:
ProClarity – Training, Resources:
you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then
please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves
your issues, Thank you.
Product applies to:
1. SharePoint 2010
2. SharePoint 2013