24 February, 2010

Verfification error-An error occured during the signature verification.

Something to share about infopath forms functionality using digital signatures. Everybody knows as how to customized the infopath forms,using controlls on that as well as publishing forms on document libraries. The certificate works fine when I open the form in thick client and then sign it. If I try to digitally sign the browser enabled form (with same certificate), it fails with the following error message:

one or more digital signatures in this form could not be verified.To Modify parts of the form tat have been digitally signed, removed the associated signatures. click on a signature to view its details.

There is a problem with this signature.
For the certificate to work with browser enabled forms, the certificate should have a trust chain. Without a chain of authority to tell the Operating System where this certificate came from, the computer will have no way to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

Please follow this steps to resolve this issue:

To Export the certificate (To be performed on the client machine where you have installed the certificate:

• On the machine where you have downloaded and installed the VeriSign Class 1 certificate go to StartàRun and type certmgr.msc and press OK button to launch Certificate Manger console.
• Expand the Personal store,, you would see on child node of Personal store called Certificates.
• Click on the Certificates node.
• On the right hand side pane, locate certificate with your name issued by VeriSign Class 1 Individual Subscriber CA - G2.
• Right Click the certificate and select Export from All Tasks option to Launch certificate export Wizard and Click Next button.
• In the Export Private Key prompt, select “Yes, export the private key”
• In the Export File Format , Under Personal Information Exchange - PKCS #12 (.PFX), check “Include all certificates in the certification path if possible” and click Next
• Enter the password and click on the Next
• Click on Browse button and select the location where you want to export the certificate.
• Click on Finish to complete the Wizard.
To Import the Certificate.(To be performed on the SharePoint server
Copy the *.pfx file on the machine where your SharePoint server is Installed.
• Right click your PFX file and select “Install PFX” option to launch Certificate Import Wizard, click next to continue.
• Verify the location of your PFX file in “File to Import Screen” and click on Next
• Enter your password and click on Next.
• In the “Certificate Store” prompt, select “Place all certificates in the following store” and click on browse button.
• In the “Select Certificate Store”, select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” and Click on OK.
• Click Finish to Complete the wizard.

I hope the above steps will helps you to resolve your issue,thanks !!