02 June, 2011

Working with Sharepoint list

Lists and libraries are stored in SharePoint Sites. A List can be thought of as a collection of pieces of information - all of which have the same properties.

This post will cover the following points:
1)   How to create a list
2)   How to add a column in a list
3)   How to change the name of the list
4)   How to enable folder option in list
5)   How to add a new content type to list
6)   How to transfer the list items from one list to another list
7)   How to set alerts on list
8)   How to set the versioning on the list

How to create a list
1. In the top link bar, click Create.
2. On the Create Page page, click Tasks.
3. In the Name box, type the name for the list as per the project requirements
4. In the Description box, type the description that relates to the project objectives
5. In the Navigation section, click Yes to put a link to this list on the Quick Launch bar on the home page. --Click Create

How to add a column in a list
1. Open the list in which you wants  to add a column
2. Click on Settings-->Select Create Column /Settings-->List Settings-->Under Columns-->Create      Columns
3. Type the name of the column as per the requirements
4. Select the type of information that this column will hold
5. Click OK

How to change the name of the list
1. Open the list for which you wants to change the name
2. Settings
3. List Settings
4. Under General Settings-->Title, description and navigation
5. Change the name of the list as per the requirement
6. Click on Save

How to enable folder option in list
1. Open the list on which you are working on.
2. Settings
3. List Settings
4. Under General Settings-->Advanced Settings
5. Please refer the Folder section-->Enable this option "Display "New Folder" command on the New menu?" to YES
6. Click Ok

How to add a new content type to list
1. Open the list on which you are working on.
2. Settings
3. List Settings
4. Under General Settings-->Advanced Settings
5. Please refer the content types section
Make this option ' Allow management of content types?' to YES
6. Click OK
7. Come back to the list settings page
8. Refer the section named as "Content Types"
9. Select "Add from existing site content types"
10. Select the appropriate content type from the available list and click on Add
11. Click OK

How to transfer the list items from one list to another list
lets take the example as List1 and List2

Datasheet View Option
1. Open the two list in two separate explorers
2. Change the view from the Standard view to Datasheet view for both lists
3. Let’s go to the tab in which list1 is currently open-->Copy the number of items that you wants to copy
4. Now let’s go to the second tab in which list2 is open-->Click on that specific cell from where you need to paste the data
5. Paste the data and that’s it-Data will be successfully copied without any issues.
List Template Option
1. Open the list that you want to transfer
2. Settings
3. List Settings
4. Under Permissions and Management-->Save list as Template
5. Give the name of the file as per the requirement, same name for the template too
6. Select the check box "Include Content"
7. Click Ok
8. The list will save to the list template gallery.

If you want that same list within the same site collection but to a different sub site then please follow the same procedure to create the list because you will find the same name that we have used to save the list as template which is a backup of the list that you wants to transfer.

How to set alerts on list
1. Open the list on which you are working on.
2. Actions
3. Select the option named as "Alert Me"
4. Select the number of alert notifications that you want
5. Click OK

How to set the versioning on the list
1. Open the list on which you are working on.
2. Settings
3. List Settings
4. Under General Settings-->Versioning settings
5. Refer the section named as "Item Version History"-->Select Yes
6. Click Ok

How to set unqiue permissions on list
1. Open the list on which you are working on.
2. Settings
3. List Settings
4. Under Permissions and Management-->Permissions for this list
5. Click on Actions-->Edit permissions
6. You will get the prompt that "You are about to create unique permissions"-->Click  OK
7. Now you have a filtering options for the list by which you can add/remove anybody from the list.

Please let me know in case of any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information. I would be more than HAPPY to help you as well as RESOLVES your issue, Thanks..

01 June, 2011

Excel Cannot Connect to SharePoint List

As I am working in SharePoint support, I come across so many issues on day 2 day basis and always try to share with all of you as soon as the issue gets resolved.

Today, We have received one support ticket in which the user has created a list which consist of few items. When he selects list Actions--Export to spreadsheet--Excel opens up and Displays 'Security' dialog box by giving the option of 'ENABLE' and 'DISABLE'.

When user selects the Enable button then 'Import Data' dialog comes up, and then user clicks OK. As soon as the OK action performs then suddenly it throws an error message: Excel Cannot Connect to SharePoint List

Generally we start our troubleshooting from the SharePoint side as what is wrong with my SharePoint site, Is there any problem in the SharePoint list,
Does the Office which is installed on the machine is causing the problem?
Is there any site collection feature turned off?
Is there any problem in the SP-Database?
Problem with the IIS?

so things are there by which we can think off but don't waste your time in doing all these things as I have done all these things and the resolution is quite simple which you can implement without any help.

1)   Open the Internet Explorer
2)   Tools
3)   Internet Options
4)   Advanced Settings
5)   Scroll downwards and reach towards the section named as "Security"
6)   CHECK FOR SERVER CERTIFICATE REVOCATION--which is by default checked
7)   Unchecked it
8)   Apply and Ok
9)   Close all the internet explorers (IE) and open your SharePoint site in a new IE i.e. Browser/Explorer

You should be able to export the spreadsheet without any problems/issues.

Please let me know in case of any further queries/questions.

I would be more than HAPPY to help you as well as RESOLVES your issues, Thank you.