24 January, 2013

How to change service accounts and service account passwords in SharePoint Server 2007/2010

There might be a Need in the org to change the password of the service account as some administrator has Left or for some other reason to avoid any integrity issue .

Just as I was walking through the process of Changing Service account passwords in 2010 which i found the simplest .

I also wanted to share the old way of changing service accounts and service account passwords in SharePoint Server 2007 .

Please refer to the below link


The steps in the KB article would walk you through the individual STSADM commands that were necessary to update the password for the following accounts on every server in the SharePoint Farm:

•Farm account
•Application pool account(s)
•Windows SharePoint Services Help Search Service
•Content access account (used by the Windows SharePoint Services Help Search Service)
•Shared Services Provider (SSP) account(s)
•Office SharePoint Server Search service

However in Sharepoint 2010 we have Managed Accounts

Launch SharePoint 2010 Central Administration (logon as Setup Farm Account)
Navigate to ‘Application Management’
In ‘Security’ Section Click‘Configure Manage Accounts
Click Register Managed Account

Add the New Account
User Name (NEW USER)

Update Security Groups on Each SharePoint Server.
Start – Administrative Tools – Computer Management
Expand System Tools -> Local Users and Groups – Groups
Set the permissions as below:

ADMINISTRATORS – add the new farm account confirm it exists
WSS_WPG – add the new farm accountconfirm it exists
WSS_ADMIN_WPG – add the new farm accountconfirm it exists

Launch Central Administration
Select Security
Select Configure Service Accounts
Update the following Accounts:
• Farm Account
• Windows Service – Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service
• Windows Service – User Profile Synchronization Service
• Windows Service – Web Analytics Data Processing Service
• Service Application Pool – SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool
• Service Application Pool – SharePoint Web Services System

You can also change only the password of the Service account

Launch SharePoint 2010 Central Administration (logon as Setup Farm Account)
Navigate to ‘Application Management’
In ‘Security’ Section Click
‘Configure Manage Accounts
Click on Edit besides the service account and then fill in the details
The Managed account should be already selected
Check the Change password now box
Set account password to new value
Confirm Password
Click ok

Hope This helps some Administrators .

You can also refer - http://blogs.technet.com/b/seanearp/archive/2011/01/25/updating-passwords-on-sharepoint-2010.aspx

Recover data from an unattached content database - Sharepoint 2010

Wow One more amazing feature .

Now you can Recover data from an unattached content database . you dont have to add the content database to a web application

As a Sharepoint administrator there might be a need to restore only some but not all content within a content database. How would you do that in SharePoint 2010 .

In earlier versions of SharePoint, to restore or recover content from a backup file, we had to restore the backed up file to a database server and had to attach that restored database to a another SharePoint farm. Then we needed to export the required content from this new temporary farm and then migrate it to the original farm where we wanted to recover it. This whole process required a huge time investment and rigorous planning.

To recover content from an unattached content database by using Central Administration

* Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group and is a member of the db_owner fixed database role.

* In Central Administration, on the Home page, click Backup and Restore.

* On the Backup and Restore page, in the Granular Backup section, click Recover data from an unattached content database.

* On the Unattached Content Database Data Recovery page, type the database server name in the       
    Database Server text box and type the database name in the Database Name text box.

* Select the database authentication method that you want to use.

* Select the Browse content option, and then click Next.

* Click Start Restore.

* On the Browse content page, select the site collection, site, and or list that you want to restore, select the
   Backup site collection or Export site or list option, and then click Next.

Complete the process to restore the content.

To recover content from an unattached content database by using Windows PowerShell

Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: See Add-SPShellAdmin.

On the Start menu, click All Programs.
Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command

Get-SPContentDatabase -ConnectAsUnattachedDatabase  -DatabaseName <DatabaseName> -DatabaseServer <DatabaseServer>

<DatabaseName> is the name of the unattached database from which you want to recover content.
<DatabaseServer> is the name of the database server that hosts the unattached database from which you want to recover content

For reference - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh269601(v=office.14).aspx

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