05 October, 2013

SharePoint Tools

Free SharePoint 2010 Sites Templates: http://sp2010teamplates.codeplex.com

Free WebParts for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010: http://webpartgallery.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack: http://sharepoint2010fba.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Send Emails With Attachments - Workflow Activity: http://sharepointstuff.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010/2013 Tabbed Web Part Zone: http://sharepointtabs.codeplex.com

SharePoint Client Browser for SharePoint 2010 and 2013: http://spcb.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 - Community Projects: http://lifeinsharepoint.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Bulk Document Importer: http://spbulkdocumentimport.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 CSV Bulk Taxonomy TermSet Importer/Exporter: http://termsetimporter.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Batch Edit: http://sp2010batchedit.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 automatic sign-in with mixed authentication: http://spautomaticsignin.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 HTML5 MasterPage Templates: http://sharepoint2010html5.codeplex.com

Nivo Slider Web Part SharePoint 2010: http://nivowebpart.codeplex.com

Export Version History Of SharePoint 2010 List Items to Microsoft Excel: http://exportversionhistory.codeplex.com

AuditLog For Sharepoint 2010: http://auditlogsp.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Filtered Lookup Field: http://sp2010filteredlookup.codeplex.com

SharePoint CAML Query Helper for 2007, 2010, and 2013: http://spcamlqueryhelper.codeplex.com

LDAP/AD Claims Provider For SharePoint 2010: http://ldapcp2010.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Fluent Ribbon API: http://spribbon.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Print List Ribbon Button: http://spprintlistbutton.codeplex.com

SharePoint AJAX Toolkit for SharePoint 2010 and 2013: http://sharepointajax.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Google Maps V3 WebPart: http://spgooglemappart.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Word Automation: http://sp2010wordautomation.codeplex.com

Sharepoint 2010 "Hyperlink with Picture" Column Type: http://spimagehyperlink.codeplex.com

SharePoint 2010 Timesheet: http://sp2010ts.codeplex.com

SP List Kit for SharePoint 2010: http://splistkit.codeplex.com

Show or Hide SharePoint 2010 ribbon based on SharePoint Groups: http://spribbonvisibility.codeplex.com

01 October, 2013

Recently published content for SharePoint 2013

Published the week of September 23, 2013


Updated article
Software boundaries and limits for SharePoint 2013   updated the "SharePoint Apps limits" section with new guidance for Access app limits.

Published the week of September 16, 2013


Published the week of September 9, 2013


Published the week of September 2, 2013

New article
Result types and display templates that are used to display search results in SharePoint Server 2013   Learn about the default result types and display templates that are used to display search results.

Reference: technet.microsoft.com

Applies to: SharePoint 2013.