09 October, 2009

Risk-List Uniqueness !!

This is regarding with one of the unique Sharepoint issues that we successfully resolved today. By using out-of-settings, it is not possible to resolve this issue and anybody can consider that it a SharePoint By-Default behaviour.


-In a Project Tracking Workspace Template, there is one list which comes by default named "Risk List".

-If we want to create one more same list then you will not find the option under View All Site Content->Create-> Custom List

-If we try to save the Risk List as Template then it will successfully saved in the List Gallery but you will not find that list under the Create List Section (Path mentioned above)


-Taken backup of all the folders for the below mentioned steps in which i have made modification !!

-Checked C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES

-Inside the Features Folders->PWSRISKS Folder(Which is part of Project Tracking Workspace Template)

-Inside the PWSRISKS Folder->List Templates->pwsrisk.xml

-Opened the XML file in notepad->Made Modification as -> DontSaveInTemplate="FALSE" (It was True before)

-Opened Feature.XML for the Risk List-> made Modification as -> Hidden="FALSE" (It was true Before)

-That's it..Issue resolved !!