11 December, 2011

Document Library Basics-SharePoint 2010

In this session, we will try to concentrate on ‘How To’ things associated with the documents as well as with the document library in SharePoint 2010 that includes the following things:
1.   How to change the document name
2.   How to check out the document
3.   How to download a document
4.   How to send the document library link
5.   How to manage permissions on a single document
6.   How to create a folder in document library
7.   How to delete the document
8.   How to create a view in document library
9.   How to set an alert on document library
10. How to set permissions on document library
Let’s start one by one:
How to change the document name
1.   Open the document library in which that document resides
2.   Select the check box of that document
3.   From the top ribbon, select Edit document (please refer the below mentioned screenshot)
4.   Or Hover your mouse to that document and you will get the dropdown like this:

Note: All document related activities are associated with ‘Documents’ section which is present under Library Tools
How to check out the document
1.   Open the document library in which that document resides
2.   Select the check box of that document
3.   From the top ribbon, select check out
4.   Or Hover your mouse to that document and your will get a dropdown like this:

How to download a document
1.   Open the document library in which that document resides
2.   Select the check box of that document
3.   From the top ribbonàDownload a copy (please refer the below mentioned screenshot)
4.   Or Hover your mouse to that document and you will get the dropdown like this:

How to send the document library link
1.   Open the document library in which that document resides
2.   Select the check box of that document
3.   From the top ribbon, select Email a Link(please refer the below mentioned screenshot)
1.   Or Hover your mouse to that document and you will get the dropdown like this:

How to manage permissions on a single document
1.   Open the document library in which that document resides
2.   Select the check box of that document
3.   From the top ribbon, Select Document permissions
4.   Or Hover your mouse to that document and you will get the dropdown like this:

How to create a folder in document library
1.   Click on the document library in which you wants to create a folder
2.   From the top ribbon, select NEW FOLDER (Under documents section) [Pease refer the below mentioned screenshot)
How to delete the document
1.   Open the document library in which that document resides
2.   Select the check box of that documents that you wants to delete
3.   From the top ribbon, select DELETE DOCUMENT(please refer the below mentioned screenshot)
4.   Or Hover your mouse to that document and you will get the dropdown like this:

How to create a view in document library
1.   Open the document library in which you wants to create a view
2.   As view is a part of LIBRARY and not a document so that’s why we will select the section of library from the top ribbon(please refer the below mentioned screenshot)
3.   Select the option that’s says-CREATE VIEW

How to set an alert on document library
1.   Open the document library on which you wants to set an alert
2.   Under Library ToolsàLibrary section
3.   Select Alert Me (Please refer the below mentioned screenshot)

How to set permissions on document library
1.   Open the document library on which you wants to set up permissions
2.   Under Library toolsàLibrary section
3.   Library Permissions(please refer the below mentioned screenshot)
4.   Or Library settings
5.   Under permissions and management
6.   Permissions for this document library

If you have any questions/queries regarding the above mentioned information then
please let me Know. I would be more than happy J to help you as well as resolves
your issues, Thank you