03 March, 2011

Report contains no data

SharePoint Server provides the ability to audit the usage of your SharePoint environment. The SharePoint Server auditing capabilities allow you to track all activities that occur within the environment. The site collection administrator has the ability to set auditing requirements within the environment that determine the types of actions that should be tracked. Reports are then available that can be used to review the logged events.

Yesterday, one of my users reported me the following error message for the site collection on which he was working:

Report contains no data

As we know, only site collection administrator works/can view the audit log reports so my user clicked on the report and got the above mentioned error message.

What you have to do in this situation:
1)   Open the site on which you are working
2)   Site actions
3)   Site settings
4)   Site collection administration
5)   Site collection audit log settings
6)   Select the columns as per your requirements 

The following list of events can be audited:
1)   Opening, Downloading and viewing of content.
2)   Editing Content
3)   Checking in and out.
4)   Moving and copying content.
5)   Deleting and restoring.
6)   Editing Content Types and Columns
7)   Searches performed by users.
8)   Changes to security settings.

Note: Make sure you do some activity in order to get the reports because you have implemented the audit logs by checking all the appropriate audit events. 

Once auditing has been enabled and the site has been in use for a while. Different reports can be pulled from the log. If no data has been recorded in the log, then the reports will simply not open.

After doing the above mentioned steps, your issue will be resolved..
In case of any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know, Thanks…

27 February, 2011

A usage report is not available for this site. Usage processing may be disabled on this server or the usage data for this site has not been processed yet.

When you try to view the Site Usage Report page, you may see the following message:
A usage report is not available for this site. Usage processing may be disabled on this server or the usage data for this site has not been processed yet.

Logging and usage processing must be turned on, and users must have visited a page on your site before any data can appear on the Site Usage Report page. Contact your site administrator to verify that logging and usage processing are turned on in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Also, if the site is new (created today) or has not been used before today, no data will appear until the usage log processing is completed (usually within 24 hours). Furthermore, if there has been no activity on the site for the past 31 days, you will see the "no data" message.
How to Enable Windows SharePoint Services usage logging:

Enable Windows SharePoint Services usage logging for the farm hosting the Web application containing the SSP. Please refer the following steps to enable usage logging for the farm:

-On the Central Administration home page, click Operations. 
-On the Operations page, in the Logging and Reporting section, click Usage analysis processing. 
-On the Usage Analysis Processing page, in the Logging Settings section, select Enable logging. 
-Type a log file location and number of log files to create. 
-In the Processing Settings section, select Enable usage analysis processing, and then select a time to run usage processing. 
-Click OK.

Enable portal usage reporting:

After Windows SharePoint Services usage logging is enabled in the server farm, SSP administrators must enable the portal usage reporting service. SSP administrators can control the complexity of usage analysis processing, and select whether or not reporting is enabled for search queries. 

Please refer the following steps to enable portal usage reporting:

-On Central Administration home page, click the Shared Service Provider listed under Shared Services Administration in the Quick Launch bar. 
-On the SSP home page, in the Portal Usage Reporting section, click Usage reporting. 
-On the Configure Advanced Usage Analysis Processing page, in the Processing Settings section, click Enable advanced usage analysis processing. 
-In the Search Query Logging section, select Enable search query logging. 
-Click OK.

Note: If advanced usage analysis processing is not selected, usage reporting statistics will be minimal.

Reset Internet Information Server:

-Go to the Start Button and click Run 
-Type IISReset and click OK.

Activate portal usage reporting

After portal usage reporting is enabled for the SSP, site collection administrators must activate the reporting feature. Until the reporting feature is activated on a site collection, usage reports are not available. 

Please refer the following steps to activate the reporting feature:

-On the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings. 
-On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Site collection features. 
-On the Site Collection Features page, click the Activate button for the Reporting feature.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know, Thanks...

Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit. You must save your work to another location. Contact your administrator to change the quota limits for the Web site.

User trying to save file in shared documents on personal site. It’s telling user “ Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit.

A quota specifies storage limit values for the maximum amount of data that can be stored in a site collection. Quotas also specify the storage size that, when reached, triggers an e-mail alert to the site collection administrator. Quota templates apply these settings to any site collection in a SharePoint farm.

To Track Quotas:
-Site administrators can go to Site Actions -Site Settings and click "Storage space allocation" to review space usage.
-Here they can display lists of libraries, documents, lists and Recycle Bin contents.
-These lists are by default sorted on size, descending. They can be resorted on Date Modified or Size

Server administrators are able to set limits on the amount of storage space that sites can use on the server. Contact your server administrator to request that the storage quota for the Web site be increased.

Exact Steps:
1. Go to your Central Administration a Application
2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Quota Templates.

I have also seen that user faced this kind of error message usually for their mysites because Personal site’s Limit site storage is set to 100M by default.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know...I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thanks..