Microsoft releases a major version of SharePoint every
three years. There are some downsides to this approach, but one definite upside
is that when the releases do come around, those of us who work with SharePoint
every day tend to get a bit excited.
So it was with much anticipation that I took a close look
at the recently released SharePoint 2013 Preview. My initial take is that this
is a significant release with a ton of great new features to talk about.
2013 Installation on Windows Server 2012
If you are looking for the installation of SharePoint
2013 then please refer the following link:
Detailed and description explanation with some nice
screenshots by Jean Paul. Thanks to Jean for publishing such wonderful article.
Next thing come to my mind is about training. After the installation,
if we need to learn the basics of each feature and functionality then it is
very important to know the functioning of that feature and that can be learn by
means of valuable training which has been provided by Microsoft as well as
Stefen Gobner.
2013 training for IT pros