04 January, 2013

Office Web apps Overview

Some important feature included in SharePoint 2010.

Microsoft Office Web Apps is the online companion to Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote applications that enables users regardless of their location to access documents and edit documents. Users can view, share, and work on documents with others online across personal computers, mobile phones, and the Web. Office Web Apps is available to users through Windows Live and to business customers with Microsoft Office 2010 volume licensing and document management solutions based on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.

Office Web Apps is tightly integrated with SharePoint 2010 Products. When you install Office Web Apps, the Office Web Apps Services are added to the list of SharePoint Services and the Office Web Apps Feature is added to the available SharePoint Features.

Office Web Apps services include the Word Viewing Service, PowerPoint Service, and Excel Calculation Services that are created and run within the context of SharePoint Services.

The Office Web Apps Feature and services integrate with SharePoint's robust enterprise content management capabilities to provide users the ability to access and work on your organization's documents from anywhere using a Web browser.

For More Detailed Information check the Below link .


Resource Throttling in SharePoint 2010

A new feature in SharePoint Server 2010, resource throttling provides options for monitoring and throttling server resources and large lists for Web applications. This enables you to control resource utilization during peak usage and prevent user activity from negatively affecting server performance.

To enable resource throttling:
  1. On the General Settings Ribbon, select Resource Throttling.
  2. Enter values for the List View Threshold option. This limits queries within a list to guard against performance degradation with too many list items. In SharePoint Server 2010, a list can support up to 50 million items. Two thousand items in a view is the accepted performance limit in SharePoint Server 2010.If a list contains a large number of items, queries with too many results will be very slow. If a user attempts an action that would reach a throttle limit, a message appears listing alternative methods that will not affect performance.
  3. Allow or disallow object model override. This allows users with the appropriate permissions to programmatically override the List View Threshold setting for specific queries.
  4. Set the List View Threshold for auditors and administrators.
  5. Define the List View Lookup Threshold. The default of 8 generally works in new implementations. List view lookups can often go beyond six fields. In this event, you need to increase the limit.
  6. Define the List Unique Permission Threshold. This option is rarely changed.
  7. Turn Backward-Compatible Event Handlers on or off. By default, this is off. If you have a large amount of development work in SharePoint Server 2007 that leveraged event handlers for lists or libraries, you will want to turn this on. You should check with your developers if you are upgrading from SharePoint Server 2007.
  8. Configure HTTP Request Monitoring And Throttling. This changes the setting in IIS for all Web servers in the farm for this Web application.
  9. Define the Change Log constraints. Be careful not to reduce this too much because it will negatively affect servers that rely on history information for sites contained in the Web application.
  10. Click OK.

Enable Anonymous Access in SharePoint 2010

 Its not difficult to configure anonymous access in MS SharePoint 2010. Not much different then SharePoint 2007 set up, the only difference is the GUI or the Ribbon.

1. Open the Central Administration, under Application Management, click on the Manage web applications .

 2. Select the site you want to enable anonymous access on and click on the Authentication Providers icon.

3. On the Authentication Providers pop-up window click on the Default zone.

4. Under Edit Authentication, check Enable anonymous access and click Save.

5. Going back to Web Application Management click on the Anonymous Policy icon.

6. Under Anonymous Access Restrictions select your Zone and set the Permissions to None – No policy and click Save

7. Now, web application will allow anonymous access to be set.

 After Which , navigate to your top level site collection for the web application.

Click the Site Actions > Site Settings. Under Users and Permissions click Site permissions

8. Under Permission Tools, Click Anonymous Access icon and set the permissions to Entire Web site and click OK

That’s all, If you followed these steps properly you should have now Anonymous Access enabled.

03 January, 2013

Word cannot open this file because it is larger than 512 Megabytes

When you try to open a Word file, you receive an error:

Word cannot open this file because it is larger than 512 Megabytes

Probable cause:
This is the maximum file size Word can open.

Note: The maximum file size is limited to 32 MB for the total document text only and does not include graphics, regardless of how the graphics image is inserted (Link to file, Save with document, or Wrapping style) into the document. Therefore, if the file contains graphics, the maximum file size can be larger than 32 MB.


There is a workaround to resolve this issue.

Workaround Steps:
·         Rename the Word file to a Zip (.docx to .zip).
·         Open Windows Explorer, locate, and then open the saved compressed file that has a .zip file name extension. 

Note: To be able to change the 'docx' extension to 'zip', you have to have Windows Explorer's options set to show the extensions.

·         Select the word  folder, and then open the  media  folder to display the graphics.
·         Delete (or move to a new folder) some graphics to reduce the file size.
·         Rename the file back to docx and open with Word. If Word displays some errors, because it cannot find some files, click Yes  to recover the contents.
·         There will be placeholders for the deleted (or moved images).
·         Right-click the image placeholder, select Change Picture and browse to the folders where the pictures are saved to select the pictures.
·         Click the arrow next to the Insert button and select Link to File.
·         Save the document.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues J J

02 January, 2013

Some usefull Powershell command lets used in SharePoint

Get-SPSite -Limit all | Select-Object Url, Owner, SecondaryContact | Format-Table -AutoSize
This one-liner returns a handy list of all the site collections in the farm, along with each site collection’s owner and secondary owner.
Get-SPSite | Get-Member
Running this command will show Owners and SecondaryContact to retrieve the names of the primary and secondary owners.
Get-SPWeb http://portal.contoso.com/mysteryweb | Select-Object Url, WebTemplate, WebTemplateId | Format-Table –AutoSize
This command will list the template and template ID used by the site.
Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell
This command lists all the SharePoint-related cmdlets: There are more than 500, which is too many cmdlets to digest at once. So, you can start refining any cmdlet searches with other parameters.
For example, the following one-liner gives you all the cmdlets that deal with site collections or SPSites as PowerShell refers to them:
Get-Command -Noun SPSite
You can substitute any cmdlet verb or noun in that command. You can also use wildcards like this:
Get-Command *SPSite*
If you have any queries and concerns do let me know.