20 February, 2013

Disk space mismatch than the actual size allocated on disk.

Issue: Today while doing our regular BAU of monitoring the server space. I have got a Tivoli alert which is configured to alarm you when there is low disk space. 
Issue was while looking at the drive space the total of 199 GB was showing as used space and total storage space occupied by files and folder was 58 GB on the drive.  Where is the rest of the space occupied. Strange….???
-          Unhide the system hidden files. Not occupying the space.
-          Checked the file size of the files and folder stored. Not occupying the space.
-          Checked the Volume shadow copies of the all the drives. No disk is mounted to be used as Shadow copies. All drive status is set to ‘Disabled’.
Came across a very nice article which talks about the various ways to check if there is a mismatch in the drive space.
Step 6 from the above article was the resolution for my problem.
-          Running VSSADMIN LIST SHADOWSTORAGE to find out, which drive is having the total used space as a volume shadow copy.

-          132 GB of storage space was occupied by C Drive.
-          Limiting Maximum size of the storage area in Shadow copies had releases the space allocated.

Applies to:
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003.

Problem Description: SharePoint shows network break/unknown error very frequently (on average 3 on 5 days in week. Client end up trying the file upload 4-5 times to do it (each iteration being of 10 min. each)

Problem Description: SharePoint shows network break/unknown error very frequently (on average 3 on 5 days in week. Client end up trying the file upload 4-5 times to do it (each iteration being of 10 min. each)
Error Message: Server request timed out. Please try again or the network connection with the server has been lost. Please try again.
Troubleshooting done:
ü  Checked how big the file is? It’s around 25 MB. We have upload limit of 100 MB in our farm.
ü  What is the name of the Library name?
ü  How is client trying to upload the file? Client was using both upload document” or “upload multiple documents” option for file upload on the site.
ü  Tried adding a entry in the host file and checked and no go.
ü  Removed the user from all people still the user gets all the options and is able to get to the option of upload, did not find the user in any DL.
ü  Added the use as a site collection admin still no go.
ü  Cleared the cache still the same.
ü  Added back the permissions removed of the user.
ü  Ran the office diags no go.
ü  It works from a different machine.
ü  On the other machine on the first document library it works always. On the second library it works sometimes.
ü  Cleaned the temp folder which was 680 MB and could upload the file for the first time, second, the transfer rate he experience in upload is about 20 kbps whereas other colleagues are able to transfer files to SharePoint at about 150+ kbps.
ü  Suggested client that transfer rate could also depend upon the network speed or the internet bandwidth. And local LAN support could assist him better in increasing the transfer rate.
ü  Tried uploading the 14 MB file from ‘Upload multiple file’ option. And waited for 10 Min and get error message ‘The network connection with the server has been lost. Please try again.’
ü  Noticed while uploading the file the transfer rate of the upload was 40 kbps, and client did notice the upload transfer rate as 150 kbps for his other colleagues.
ü  Network card is configures to run on 100 mbps.
ü  Tried to upload a little less sized file of 9 MB on another site. It also did take same amount of time.
ü  Working on another machine for the client doesn’t take much time to upload the file for one site.
ü  It seems it is related to the network bandwidth issue.

Resolution: Changing the LAN settings to be 100 mbps full duplex it makes the things working fine. It was set to 10 mbps something. To change the settings go to
My Computer (right click properties)> Hardware > Device Manager > LAN settings.
Applies to: SharePoint 2007, SharePoint Server 2010.

General Procedure of Server Hardening

Below I have listed various resources for Server hardening:

Windows Server 2008 Security Baseline

The Windows Server 2008 Security Baseline is updated for Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (SP2).  This updated product baseline provides:
·         Setting severity ratings, allowing you to quickly sort, prioritize, and apply Microsoft security and compliance recommendations.
·         Consolidated product baselines that eliminate EC and SSLF baseline components, and make viewing, customizing, and implementing your security and compliance baselines easier than ever!
·         New compliance-based settings groups allow quicker and easier compliance reporting and audit preparation, when used with the GRC management solution within System Center.

The Windows Hardening guides have been replaced with the corresponding Security guides.
The security guides for various OS and products are included within the Microsoft Security Compliance Manager http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc677002.aspx
You can find each security guide under the “Attachments \Guides” section for each product within the Compliance Manager console.

Other security documents
- Threats and Countermeasures Guide: Security Settings in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP

- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

- Threats and Countermeasures Guide: Security Settings in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7

- Threats and Countermeasures Guide: Security Settings in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista

- Attack Surface Analyzer (beta)

- Microsoft Security Compliance Manager
- DoD recommendations on securing various OSs


Here is a SQL Hardening guide for Sharepoint Environments:

Microsoft  SQL Server 2008 R2 Best Practices Analyzer


IIS 6.0 Webserver Hardening:

From what I understand IIS 7 does not have a hardening guide yet…
The following forum has really good information on IIS7 lockdown recommendations:

SMS IIS Hardening Checklist.

IIS7 Security PowerPoint  released by our EMEA team:

3rd Party considerations:
Due in part to the patching diligence of most organizations, we've seen these attacks shift from exploiting unpatched Microsoft vulnerabilities to targeting outdated 3rd party products.

 In particular Java VM and Adobe products have been heavily targeted:

- Our Malware Protection Center (MPC) details this in the following write-up:

 - Recommend upgrading any outdate Java JRE to the latest Sun Java Version (Latest Version)

- You can go to the following site to verify the version of Java on your system

 - Also recommend installing any Adobe updates from
  Adobe X reader (Latest)

-  Adobe Flash Player (Latest)

-  Other Adobe updates

- Also, Secunia has a patch management tool called Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) that will scan and check for vulnerabilities in a variety 3rd party software.

19 February, 2013

Connect to Outlook Ribbon button disabled /greyed

Connect to outlook is disabled in SharePoint 2010- why? Any mystery? If yes then we needs to find out? Root cause? Workarounds? Resolutions?

Problem Description:
·         Connect to outlook is disabled in SharePoint 2010
·         The Ribbon button is disabled for the List
·         Connect to Outlook button is grayed out

Check List:
Is this problem list specific or library specific?
Is this problem site specific or farm specific?
Specifically which list we are trying to connect? Whether it’s a contact list or custom list or calendar list? –very imp to find out
Features --site features/site collections features??
Does the SharePointStssync Handler enable in your IE?
Does the IE belong to 32 bit or 64 bit?
Is Client Integration disabled in the Web Application Settings?
Very Important info: Connect to Outlook is available on the following list types  only- Calendar, Tasks, Project Tasks, Contacts, Document Library and Discussion Boards

Multiple resolutions are available so please select the one which is feasible as per your requirements.
Resolution 1--Try to open the same list (where we the problem is) in SharePoint Designer 2010 and then check the results.
Resolution 2Enable the client integration feature at the web application level  (note: if the problem is farm wide)
Resolution 3if the problem is occurring because of IE then enables the sync handler
How to enable this:
Internet Explorer—Tools--Manage Add-ons--Enable or Disable Add-ons
·         In the Show drop down and select "Add-Ons currently loaded in IE " and find for -" SharePoint Stssync Handler "
·         if it’s not there then click on Show drop down and select "Add-Ons that have been used by IE" and find for " SharePoint Stssync Handler "
·         Enable it
·         Restart the browser and then check "Connect to Outlook" option is visible or not.

Product applies to:
1.    Windows 7 client Operating system
2.    Office 2010
3.    IE 7.0 or IE 8.0
4.    SharePoint 2010
5.    SharePoint Foundation 2010


If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know.

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues…

Thank you…

Windows could not start the SharePoint Server Search 14 service on Local Computer

Problem Description:
Recently we faced the problem in reference to search and while doing some deployment activities, we need to pause the running crawl. As soon as I clicked on Pause, it switched into “Pausing” mode and we waiting to see the idle status.

Farm details:
SHAREPOINT 2010- SP1 (Along with latest patches updated)

What was the status when we started facing issue?
In "Manage Services on Server" (Central Administration):
SharePoint Foundation Search was "Stopped"
SharePoint Server Search is "Stopped"

In "Manage Services Application" (Central Administration):
Search Administration Web Service for Search Service Application was "Started"
Search Service Application was "Started"

In Windows Services MMC
SharePoint Foundation Search V4 is "Disabled"
SharePoint Server Search 14 is "Disabled"
SharePoint Server Search 14 is "Automatic" but status is not "Started"

Attempting to start "SharePoint Server Search 14” via the Services MMC results in the error:
Windows could not start the SharePoint Server Search 14 service on Local Computer.
Error 6: The handle is invalid.

Troubleshooting Done:
1.    Restarted the search services – by means of services.msc console
2.    Checked the ‘manage services on server’—by means of Central Administration
3.    Net stop commands as follows:

stsadm -o osearch -action stop


stsadm -o osearch -action start

4.    Start-stop PowerShell commands
5.    Checked the windows application as well as SP logs
6.    Restarted the timer services

net stop SPTimerv4

net start SPTimerv4


I have resolved it by using the following command:

Stop-SPServiceInstance -Identity <ServiceGUID>
Note: Where <ServiceGUID> is the GUID of the service. If you do not know the service GUID, you can retrieve a list of all services in the farm together with their GUIDs by using the Get-SPServiceInstance cmdlet.

Product Applies To:
SharePoint Server 2010
SharePoint Foundation 2010

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issue…

Thank you.