05 December, 2012

sharepoint developer interview questions

Explain the WebPart life cycle.
WebPart life cycle also same as asp.net life cycle. Here you can find some additional events like CreateChildControls, RenderContents etc.

·         OnInit
·         OnLoad
·         CreateChildControls
·         OnPreRender
·         Render (RenderContents, etc)

What are Site Columns?
Site columns are pre-defined data columns (along with default values) which are re-used in various content types. A Content type is usually a collection of site columns.

When should you dispose SPWeb and SPSite objects? And even more important, when not?
You should always dispose them if you created them yourself, but not otherwise. You should never dispose SPContext.Current.Web/Site and you should normally not dispose SPWeb if IsRootWeb is true.

How does Client object model works?
When we use SharePoint client API’s to perform a specific task, the SharePoint Foundation 2010 managed client object model bundles up these uses of the API into XML and sends it to the server that runs SharePoint Foundation. The server receives this request, and makes appropriate calls into the object model on the server, collects the responses, forms them into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and sends that JSON back to the SharePoint Foundation 2010 managed client object model. The client object model parses the JSON and presents the results to the application as .NET Framework objects (or ECMAScript objects for ECMAScript).

What is difference between Load() and LoadQuery() methods ?
Load method populates the client object directly with what it gets data from the server i.e. a collection object like ListItemCollection etc. but LoadQuery returns the data as a completely new collection in  IEnumerable format. Other major difference is that the Collections that you load using the Load() method are eligible for garbage collection only when the client context variable itself goes out of scope where as, in  these collections go out of scope at the end of  IEnumerable<List> list.

What is Business Data Catalog or BDC?
It is a shared service that enables Office SharePoint Server 2007 to display business data from various back-end servers into a SharePoint page. Business Data Catalog or BDC provides built-in support for displaying data with various web parts and list\list columns that can help in easy creation of dashboards with data from your SQL, web services, SAP, Siebel, or any other line-of-business (LOB) applications.

Where are Master Pages and Layout Pages located in a SharePoint site?
They are location in master Page(Master Page Gallery) under _catalogs folder of root site.

What is the Difference between Master Pages and Layout Pages in SharePoint.
Master pages and page layouts dictate the overall look and feel of your SharePoint site.

Differences are
·         Master pages contain controls that are shared across multiple page layouts,
such as navigation,search, or language-preference for multilingual sites.
Page layouts contain field controls and Web Parts.
·         Page layouts can be used by all page instances that are based on that
page layout.Master pages can be used by all page instances in a site.

What is a Site definition?
A Site definition is a collection of Files such as ONET.XML which defines the Site template for e.g. Team Sites used to create a Site in SharePoit. All the out-of-box site Templates like Blog,Wiki,Team Site etc can be found in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\

What is a Site Template?
Any Site along with the content can be saved as a template. If a site is saved as a Template it is stored in Site templates folder as a .stp file. This template is then re-used to create a new site which will have the pre-saved settings.

What are content types?
A content type is a flexible and reusable template of type list item or document that defines the columns and behavior for an item in a list or a document in a document library. For example, you can create a content type for a Requirement document with a columns such LOE,Version,Approver,Date Created,Date Revised etc and this can be re-used in various document libraries.

What are the Authentication methods for your client object model application?

Basically there are three (3) authentication options you can use when you’re working with the Client Object Model in SharePoint 2010:
·         Anonymous
·         Default
·         Forms Authentication

Please let me know in case of any queries/questions. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you

04 December, 2012

Stored Procedures in SQL Server.

A stored procedure is a group of Transact-SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan. SQL Stored procedures return data in four ways:
  • Output parameters, which can return either data (such as an integer or character value) or a cursor variable (cursors are result sets that can be retrieved one row at a time).
  • Return codes, which are always an integer value.
  • A result set for each SELECT statement contained in the stored procedure or any other stored procedures called by the stored procedure.
  • A global cursor that can be referenced outside the stored procedure
Why to use stored procedures in SQL server:
  • Execution plan retention and reuse
  • Query auto-parameterization
  • Encapsulation of business rules and policies
  • Application modularization
  • Sharing of application logic between applications
  • Access to database objects that is both secure and uniform
  • Consistent, safe data modification
  • Network bandwidth conservation
  • Support for automatic execution at system start-up
  • Enhanced hardware and software capabilities
  • Improved security
  • Reduced development cost and increased reliability
  • Centralized security, administration, and maintenance for common routines
How to create Stored Procedure in SQL:
1.   In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of SQL Server Database Engine and then expand that instance.
2.   Expand Databases, expand the database in which the stored procedure belongs, and then expand Programmability.
3.   Right-click Stored Procedures and then click New Stored Procedure.
4.   On the Query menu, click Specify Values for Template Parameters.
5.   In the Specify Values for Template Parameters dialog box, the Value column contains suggested values for the parameters. Accept the values or replace them with new values, and then click OK.
6.   In the query editor, replace the SELECT statement with the statements for your procedure.
7.   To test the syntax, on the Query menu, click Parse.
8.   To create the stored procedure, on the Query menu, click Execute.
9.   To save the script, on the File menu, click Save. Accept the file name or replace it with a new name, and then click Save.

          -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
          -- interfering with SELECT statements.
          SET NOCOUNT ON;

          -- Insert statements for procedure here
          SELECT VendorId,VendorFName,VendorLName,VendorCity,VendorState,VendorCountry,PostedDate,
          FROM Vendor Where VendorState = @VendorState ORDER BY PostedDate
There are some different concepts of stored procedures.
  • A stored procedure is one or more SQL statements that have been compiled and stored with database. A stored procedure can be started by application code on the client.
  • Stored procedure can improve database performance because the SQL statements in each procedure are only compiled and optimized the first time they are executed. In contrast SQL statements that are sent from a client to the server have to be compiled and optimized every time there are executed.
  • In addition to SELECT statement, a stored procedure can contain other SQL statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. It also contains control-of-flow language.
  • A trigger is a special type of procedure that executes when rows are inserted, updated or deleted from table.
  • A user defined function (UDF) is a special type of procedure that can return a value or a table. 

03 December, 2012

Plan for disaster recovery (SharePoint Server 2010)

Disaster recovery overview
For the purposes of this article, we define disaster recovery as the ability to recover from a situation in which a data center that hosts SharePoint Server becomes unavailable.
The disaster recovery strategy that you use for SharePoint Server must be coordinated with the disaster recovery strategy for the related infrastructure, including Active Directory domains, Exchange Server, and Microsoft SQL Server. Work with the administrators of the infrastructure that you rely on to design a coordinated disaster recovery strategy and plan.
The time and immediate effort to get another farm up and running in a different location is often referred to as a hot, warm, or cold standby. Our definitions for these terms are as follows:
Hot standby A second data center that can provide availability within seconds or minutes.
Warm standby A second data center that can provide availability within minutes or hours.
Cold standby A second data center that can provide availability within hours or days.
Disaster recovery can be one of the more expensive requirements for a system. The shorter the interval between failure and availability and the more systems you protect, the more complex and costly a disaster recovery solution is likely to be. When you invest in hot or warm standby data centers, costs include:
  • Additional hardware and software, which often increase the complexity of operations between software applications, such as custom scripts for failover and recovery.
  • Additional operational complexity.
Reference: technet.microsoft.com

02 December, 2012

Trick to Fresh Install Of Windows XP in 10 Minutes.

As you all know formatting and fresh Installation of Windows XP or any other MS O.S is a lengthy and boring Process but we all have to do it, sometimes in a month and sometimes in a week. It is a 40-60 minutes long process.
But friends today I will Show You how to format and fresh Install XP in Just 10 minutes.
So Let’s take a look, to perform a clean installation of Windows XP, follow these steps:

Start your computer from the Windows XP CD. To do this, insert the Windows XP CD into your CD drive or DVD drive, and then restart your computer.

Note to boot from your Windows XP CD, the BIOS settings on your computer must be configured to do this.

When you see the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press any key to start the computer from the Windows XP CD.

At the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to start Windows XP Setup.

Read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then press F8.

Follow the instructions on the screen to select and format a partition where you want to install Windows XP.

Above all is only a normal process that you all are familiar with. The main part begins from here.
1: After the copy part is over, yours system is rebooted as we all know in general formatting procedure.
2. After reboot an image will appear. Now as the Image appears, you have to press "Shift + F10", this will open the command prompt.
3. Type TASKMGR in command prompt. This will open the Task Manager.
4. After the task manager Opens Go to Processes- &gt; Find "Setup.exe" process and Right click on It-&gt; Set the priority to highest.

5. Just wait and watch, the set-up will be completed in 2 minutes to 9 minutes. This varies from system to system performance.
Note: I have not given it a try to MS other O.S such as windows Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Try this and share your comments.
If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know, Thank you.

Solution Package retracting stuck: SharePoint 2007

Problem: We were planning to deploy a new solution for one of our web application. However, as we all know we have to first retract the solution from the web application and for that we use the stsadm command line given below,
stsadm -o retractsolution -name solutionName.wsp –immediate
followed by STSADM -o execadmsvcjobs
We have waited for min 20 min, but after refreshing the CA for many times we have seen the solution was stuck in retract state.
Troubleshooting: We checked the status ofWindows SharePoint Services Solution Retraction for’ timer job and It was successful for all of the servers we have in the environment.
To check the status of the above timer service,
1. Go to Central Administration
2. Navigate to Operations &gt; "Global Configuration" &gt; "Timer job status".
3. Look for Jobs name starting with either "Windows SharePoint Services Solution Retraction for".
Resolution: we have tried running ‘execadmsvsjobs’ STSADM command.
STSADM -o execadmsvcjobs ( On all the servers )  
To all of the servers in the env. And refreshing CA the status of the solution package was ‘not deployed’.
Some other things you can also try to resolve the problems are.
Ø  Restarting the OWSTIMER Service.
Ø  Deleting the Job Timer Definition for some reasons resolves it.
Ø  Restarting the machine and try one more time.
If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know, Thank you.