19 February, 2012

You do not have access to edit this user profile

Yesterday, one of our user has logged a ticket by mentioning that he is not able to update his skills in mysite.

Error message: You do not have access to edit this user profile

This error is very tricky but simple to understand and troubleshoot where exactly the problem is as per the Microsoft guidelines.

This error can occur if Managed Metadata service application is connected to the Web application that hosts My Sites and the Managed Metadata Service Application connection has only Read Access to Term Store permission. 

What is the role of managed metadata service application?
A Managed Metadata service application enables Web applications to store and access keywords from a managed metadata term database. For My Sites, this functionality is required for users to specify keywords in the Ask Me About section or use keywords for social tagging. A Managed Metadata service application is highly recommended for My Sites.

To resolve this error, please do the following:

1-Central Administration-Click Application Management

2-In the Service Applications section, click Manage service applications.

3-On the Manage Service Applications page, click the User Profile service application that is associated with the Web application that hosts My Sites, and then, in the Operations section of the ribbon, click Permissions.

4-In the Connection Permissions for Managed Metadata Service, click either Read and Restricted Write Access to Term Store or Full Access to Term Store.

After following the above steps, the issue has been resolved and user can update the profile without any problems.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues. Thank you

11 February, 2012

'Edit Document' requires a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible application and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater.

This behavior occurs because you can only use an Office 2000 program to open or to save a document that is stored in a document library. You cannot use an Office 2000 program to modify a document in a document library and then save the document to the document library. This applies to Office 2000 programs such as the following:

    * Microsoft Word 2000
    * Microsoft Excel 2000
    * Microsoft PowerPoint 2000
    * Microsoft Project 2000
    * Microsoft FrontPage 2000

How to resolve this:
Use Explorer view to open and to modify documents in the document library. To use Explorer view, follow these steps:

   1. Connect to the document library. Click Explorer view under Select a View in the left pane.
   2. Double-click the document that you want to modify.
   3. Make the changes that you want to make, and then click Save on the File menu.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned steps then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues.

09 February, 2012

Download SharePoint 15

Microsoft has published a very good article on this and would like to share the same with all of you

SharePoint 15 Technical Preview Interoperability API Documentation
Quick links
This download provides documentation of APIs related to Interoperability with SharePoint 15.
Quick details
Date Published:
File Name
634 KB
Welcome to the SharePoint 15 Technical Preview Interoperability API Documentation download.

This download contains the following developer documentation:
  • SharePoint 15 Technical Preview Interoperability API Documentation: This compiled help (.chm) file contains reference topics focusing only on types and members that are called by other Microsoft applications. This reference does not document the full SharePoint 15 managed object model. That documentation will accompany a later release of SharePoint 15.
System requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2
This download applies to the following products and technologies:
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 15
  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 15
To install the documentation:
  1. Download the documentation by clicking the above Download link, and then save the file locally.
  2. Unzip the file, and then copy the SP15InteropAPI.chm locally.
IMPORTANT: On computers that have security update 896358 installed, you cannot open Compiled Help Module (.chm) files that you download. For more information, see the Microsoft Support Web site.

To use the documentation:

After you save the file locally, you can view its contents by using one of the following methods.

Method 1
  1. Open the SP15InteropAPI.chm file.
  2. In the Open File-Security Warning dialog box that appears, clear the Always ask before opening this file check box.
  3. Choose Open.
Method 2
  1. Right-click the .chm file, and then choose Properties.
  2. Choose Unblock.
  3. Double-click the .chm file to open the file.
Removal of this download:
There is no removal feature for this download. You must manually delete the .chm file.