We have a document library which consists of lots of documents. While attempting to rename one of the documents, we get the following error:
You cannot copy or move a thicket file. To change the file name or create a copy of the file, open the file and save as to a new name.
This behavior occurs if both the following conditions exist:
•You modify the home page by using FrontPage 2003, and then save your changes.
•You try to rename the home page in FrontPage 2003.
When you save your changes to the Windows SharePoint Services home page after you modify it by using FrontPage 2003, FrontPage 2003 creates a down-level Vector Markup Language (VML) file for the quick launch toolbar. This down-level VML file creates thicket files that cause the home page and the thicket files to be dependent. Because FrontPage 2003 cannot perform a link fix up operation against thicket files, FrontPage 2003 prevents you from renaming the home page.
SharePoint doesn't support files that end with _file, and this "thicket" file is a matching ABC file and ABC_FILES folder set. Delete this misbehaving file and upload an .msg like a good SharePoint citizen - it'll open nicely in Outlook, and you'll actually be able to see / search / access any attachments within the email.
Use one of the following two methods to work around this problem:
•Rename the home page by using the Save As option on the File menu in FrontPage 2003.
•In FrontPage 2003, enter the new name for the home page in the File name box, and then click Save.
If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues.