Activation could not be completed because the InfoPath Forms Services support feature is not present. -OR-
There has been error while loading the form.
I worked on such similar issue in the past but that belongs to SharePoint 2007 version so I am pretty much sure that there should be some correlation with the same resolution.
You must be thinking as which resolution I am talking about. Don’t think and stress out, refer the following details:
Finally I dig into the 14-features folder on the servers and found out the exact feature i.e. IPFSSiteFeatures
I have resolved this issue without much headache/stress and resolution too is very simple:
Disable-SPFeature "IPFSSiteFeatures" -URL "http://yoursitecollectionURL"
Enable-SPFeature "IPFSSiteFeatures" -URL "http://yoursitecollectionURL"
If you have any queries/questions regarding the mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues J
Thank you