17 November, 2011

Error opening MS project .mpp file

MPP documents are Microsoft Project files. Microsoft Project is a software program that helps program managers to define project scopes and plans, assign tasks and keep track of project progress. One user has opened a ticket with our team and mentioned then following details:
Problem description: - MS project files are stored in a document library. After check out the file and tried to edit- I am getting the error.
Error message: The document could not be opened for editing. A Microsoft SharePoint foundation Compatible application could not be found to edit the document.
Machine configuration:
1.     OS-Windows XP
2.     Internet Explorer: IE 7.0
3.     Office Installed: Office 2007
4.     Project application Installed: Project professional 2007
Important points to consider while troubleshooting:
1.  All Office files which consist of Microsoft word excel and PowerPoint files are opening fine without any issues so the problem is with the .MPP files only i.e. Project files.
2.  If we try opening the project files by means of Desktop i.e. user’s machine then file opens fine without any problems
3.  This is vital point which can be consider  as workaround:
v Go to the document library in which project files resides
v Hover your mouse to any project file and select ‘edit in Microsoft Office Project’
v It will give you a pop up by selecting the ‘SharePoint drafts’ option
v Click ok / you can do a check out also by selecting the ‘SharePoint draft’ option
v Now the document is in check out condition so go to the SharePoint drafts location on your machine (Location: \My Documents\SharePoint drafts)
v Open the document by means of draft location, do the changes and save it.
v Go back to the SharePoint site and check in the document.
v Changes will be successfully saved without any problems.
Now, let’s come back to main problem-If you don’t check the “SharePoint drafts’ check box while editing the document then you will get the generic error message as mentioned above i.e. “this component is not compatible …..”
Resolution: Please refer the article which has been posted by Mr. Pratik Vyas-http://sharepointpratik.blogspot.com/2010/07/document-could-not-be-opened-for.html  
If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know.
I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank youJ


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  2. Thank you 4 sharing this workaround. it resolves my issue!!

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  4. Hi Amol,

    Thank for your article about MPP files.

    I have an issue with SharePoint 2010 regarding the checkout document.

    I have created a document library in SharePoint 2010 and uploaded only (.mpp) files. the issue is one user not able to checkout the document by using Checkout option in SharePoint 2010.

    The remaining users which are having the same permissions can able to checkout the same documents.

    The user having Contribute permission.

    could you please help me to resolve the issue.

    Let me know if you have any other information about the same.


    I have tried the below mentioned steps:

    1) I have checked the permission in Library leve and item level,

    2) I removed the user from the group(Contributer) and added to the same group,

    3) I have Signed out from the site and deleted the cache and cookies in browser and signedin again,

    4) I have signed in my colleague pc and tried to checkout from there, but is is also fail.

    Please suggest me if you have any ideas regarding the same.

    Many Thanks,

    1. it seems that this is a machine specific issue. Does this user are having multiple domains?

      also- on the machine which is being used by user- Does it have a sharepoint check out folder? please check and update the results. Thanks for your patience.


Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as possible- Amol Ghuge

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