29 April, 2013

Site menus are hidden behind content editor web part

Issue: Site menus are hidden behind content editor web part.

Background: User added .swf file into content editor web part using iframe.

Code: Client had used the following code in the CEWP.

Troubleshooting: We tried with different parameters like, visibility, position, z-index but none of them working but no success.
Resolution: You have to add the wmode attribute.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know.

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, thank you.

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation / Server 2010.


Task Microsoft Exchange Server reported error (0x8004010F)

Error Message: Task 'Microsoft Exchange Server' reported error (0x8004010F): 'The operation failed. An object could not be found.'
Error Code: 0X8004010F

Problem Description: While doing a Send / Receive on an Outlook user was getting the error message that operation failed and unable to resolve recipients.

After researching error message I got to know about the issue, that Offline Address Book was not found while using outlook.

When I checked host location of the user mailbox, found that the user is on Exchange 2010 server.

Found that the OAB was not configured for that DATABASE.

Offline Address Book assignment is very important in order to work send / receive and resolve the objects offline.

Exchange Server 2010
-In Exchange Management Console, expand Organization Configuration, and then clickMailbox.
-In the Database Management window, right-click Properties on the mailbox store.
-Click the Client Settings tab, click Browse, and then click the appropriate offline address book.
-Click on Apply and OK.

Exchange Server 2007
-In Exchange Management Console, expand Server Configuration, and then clickMailbox.
-In the Database Management window, right-click Properties on the mailbox store.
-Click the Client Settings tab, click Browse, and then click the appropriate offline address book.
-Click OK two times.

Thank you.

27 April, 2013

Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint'

Everybody is busy enjoying the weekend but our team faced one critical issue during this weekend and working together we were able to resolve this issue after debugging it for many hours…

Farm configuration:
·         Windows Server 2012
·         Office 2013
·         SharePoint 2013
·         Visual Studio 2013
·         SQL Server 2008 R2

Error Message:
“Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint': Failed to install app for SharePoint. Please see the output window for details."

Troubleshooting done:
1)   Developer site is selected or not
2)   service applications (App Management Service and Subscription Service) are configured and running
3)   App domain setup is performed (records in host file or DNS)
4)   Loopback Check is disabled
5)   IE is configured for your app domain

Best Practice:
I would recommend you to check the SP logs first and it will give you the clear picture as where exactly it’s failing.

I really wanted to appreciate this article which helps me a lot and gives me clear directions:

Million Thanks once again to SharePoint Journey J J

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know, Thank you.

Cannot upload files with Extension. Blocked file types

Need not get Panic if at all you are not able to upload a file with these extensions . There are some of them which are blocked by default . and changes can be made easily.

Why Are these files Blocked ?
Its nothing but security Threats to confidential Data .

By default, many file types are blocked, including file types that are treated as executable by Internet Explorer. Files, whose names include braces, (for example, filename.{doc}) are also blocked by default.

The following table shows the file types that are blocked by default and their corresponding file name extensions.

File name extension File type
.ade Microsoft Access project extension
.adp Microsoft Access project
.app Application file
.asa ASP declarations file
.ashx ASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
.asmx ASP.NET Web Services source file
.asp Active Server Pages
.bas Microsoft Visual Basic class module
.bat Batch file
.cdx Compound index
.cer Certificate file
.chm Compiled HTML Help file
.class Java class file
.cmd Microsoft Windows NT command script
.com Microsoft MS-DOS program
.config Configuration file
.cpl Control Panel extension
.crt Security certificate
.csh Script file
.dll Windows dynamic-link library
.exe Program
.fxp Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
.hlp Help file
.hta HTML program
.htr Script file
.htw HTML document
.ida Internet Information Services file
.idc Internet database connector file
.idq Internet data query file
.ins Internet Naming Service
.isp Internet Communication settings
.its Internet Document Set file
.jse JScript Encoded script file
.ksh Korn Shell script file
.lnk Shortcut
.mad Shortcut
.maf Shortcut
.mag Shortcut
.mam Shortcut
.maq Shortcut
.mar Shortcut
.mas Microsoft Access stored procedure
.mat Shortcut
.mau Shortcut
.mav Shortcut
.maw Shortcut
.mda Microsoft Access add-in program
.mdb Microsoft Access program
.mde Microsoft Access MDE database
.mdt Microsoft Access data file
.mdw Microsoft Access workgroup
.mdz Microsoft Access wizard program
.msc Microsoft Common Console document
.msh Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1 Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1xml Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2 Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2xml Microsoft Agent script helper
.mshxml Microsoft Agent script helper
.msi Microsoft Windows Installer package
.msp Windows Installer patch package file
.mst Visual Test source files
.ops Microsoft Office profile settings file
.pcd Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
.pif Shortcut to MS-DOS program
.prf System file
.prg Program source file
.printer Printer file
.pst Microsoft Outlook personal folder file
.reg Registration entries
.rem ACT! database maintenance file
.scf Windows Explorer command file
.scr Screen saver
.sct Script file
.shb Windows shortcut
.shs Shell Scrap object
.shtm HTML file that contains server-side directives
.shtml HTML file that contains server-side directives
.soap Simple Object Access Protocol file
.stm HTML file that contains server-side directives
.url Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
.vb Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition file
.vbe VBScript Encoded Script file
.vbs VBScript file
.ws Windows Script file
.wsc Windows Script Component
.wsf Windows Script file
.wsh Windows Script Host settings file

 Add or remove blocked file types

Use this procedure when you want to prohibit files of a specific type from being saved or retrieved from any Web application on a server.

To add or remove blocked file types by using Central Administration

  1. Verify that you have the following administrative credentials.
    • You must be a farm administrator on the server.
  2. In Central Administration, click Security.
  3. On the Security page, in the General Security section, click Define blocked file types.
  4. On the Blocked File Types page, if you want to change the selected Web application, on the Web Application menu, click Change Web Application. Use the Select Web Application page to select a Web application.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To block an additional file type, scroll to the bottom of the Type each file extension on a separate line text box, type the file extension you want to block, and then click OK.
    • To stop blocking a file type, select a file type from the list, press the Delete key, and then click OK.

      Note : You do not have to type a file extension in the list in alphabetical order. The next time you open the list, the file extension you added will be correctly sorted in alphabetical order.

      Reference : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc287701%28v=office.14%29.aspx

Time card list template in SharePoint 2010

Time card list template is available in SharePoint 2010 .But it is hidden by default .

You need to activate the Group Work Lists feature of the site .

Choose Site Settings =>Manage site features =>Activate Group Work Lists feature. After activating this feature ,you can create a Time Card list in SharePoint Designer :

    Open the site in SharePoint Designer .
Choose File => Add Item => More Lists =>Time Card .
  The Time Card list will be created with a default view called My Time Card .This is the MyTCard.aspx page .You can edit it in SharePoint Designer or in browser .

Or you can use Timecard Management Template:


Instructions for trying out the Timecard Management Template solution:
Download and build the solution
  1. Insure you have your SharePoint 2010 Development environment setup.
  2. Download the Visual Studio solution and unzip it.
  3. Specify the URL to the SharePoint site you would like to debug with in the project properties.
  4. Click build to the Visual Studio solution.
Install and activate the sandbox solution
  1. From a page in the site collection, click Site Actions, and then select Site Settings.
  2. On the Site Settings page, click Solutions under the Galleries heading.
  3. On the Solutions tab of the Server ribbon, click Upload Solution.
  4. In the Upload Solution dialog box, click Browse, and browse to the sandboxed solution package (.wsp file). Click Open.
  5. The solution package is now in the site collection's solution gallery, but it is not yet deployed.
  6. In the Activate Solution dialog box, click Activate to activate the solution.
To deactivate and delete the sandbox solution
  1. From a page in the site collection, click Site Actions, and then select Site Settings.
  2. On the Site Settings page, click Solutions under the Galleries heading.
  3. Select the solution to deactivate and then select Deactivate.
  4. If you would like to Delete the solution then, click Delete after deactivation.