27 March, 2013

Uploading EXE files on Sharepoint site

By default, many file types are blocked, including file types that are treated as executable by Internet Explorer. Each Web application maintains a list of blocked file types that is based on file name extensions.

Please refer the following file extensions that are by-default blocked in SharePoint 2010 [Recommended by Microsoft]

I would like to tell you that this is not a SP limitation and we can allow any file types to be uploaded in SharePoint but not necessarily a great idea. Storing .EXE files in SharePoint can cause some serious security issues. Just imagine if a user wants to upload a .exe with a friendly name like "Gtalk.exe" but it’s really a virus - not good!.

SharePoint is definitely not the place to store everything, .EXE files being one of those things.

My suggestion:  If we are intending to have .exe files (or scripts etc.) stored in a SharePoint system, then at least put them inside zip files and allow .zip files to be uploaded rather than .exe files. This will mean that while the .exe files are still available, more effort will be needed to start them. Future prospect: Many benefits, Less pain J

SharePoint isn't a file share, it's web application.

Considering internal as well as external point of view: If you are accessing these internally only, we could keep them on a file share and just link to them from the SP site. This will execute outside of the browser instance in this case, but won’t work for outside users, unless you publish file shares via something like UAG (Unified Access Gateway).

File name extension
File type
Microsoft Access project extension
Microsoft Access project
Application file
ASP declarations file
ASP.NET Web Services source file
Active Server Pages
Microsoft Visual Basic class module
Batch file
Compound index
Certificate file
Compiled HTML Help file
Java class file
Microsoft Windows NT command script
Microsoft MS-DOS program
Configuration file
Control Panel extension
Security certificate
Script file
Windows dynamic-link library
Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
Help file
HTML program
Script file
HTML document
Internet Information Services file
Internet database connector file
Internet data query file
Internet Naming Service
Internet Communication settings
Internet Document Set file
JScript Encoded script file
Korn Shell script file
Microsoft Access stored procedure
Microsoft Access add-in program
Microsoft Access program
Microsoft Access MDE database
Microsoft Access data file
Microsoft Access workgroup
Microsoft Access wizard program
Microsoft Common Console document
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Windows Installer package
Windows Installer patch package file
Visual Test source files
Microsoft Office profile settings file
Shortcut to MS-DOS program
System file
Program source file
Printer file
Microsoft Outlook personal folder file
Registration entries
ACT! database maintenance file
Windows Explorer command file
Screen saver
Script file
Windows shortcut
Shell Scrap object
HTML file that contains server-side directives
HTML file that contains server-side directives
Simple Object Access Protocol file
HTML file that contains server-side directives
Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition file
VBScript Encoded Script file
VBScript file
Windows Script file
Windows Script Component
Windows Script file
Windows Script Host settings file

26 March, 2013

How to search SIP enabled user in Lync Control panel

Problem Description: Unable to search SIP enabled user in Lync Control panel.


NOTE: User account that is assigned to the CsUserAdministrator role or the CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer.

1.       Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel,
2.       In the left navigation bar, click Users.
3.       In the Search users box, type all or the first portion of the display name, first name, last name, SAM account name, SIP address, or line URI of the user account that you want to search for, and then click Find.

(Optional) Specify additional search criteria to narrow the results:
         i.            Click the expand arrow button in the upper-right corner of the screen above Search results, and then click Add Filter.
       ii.            Enter the user property by typing it or clicking the arrow in the drop-down list to select a user property.
      iii.            In the Equal to list, click Equal to or Not equal to.
     iv.            In the text box, type the search criteria you want to use to filter search results, and then click Find.
       v.            The search results appear under Search Results. You can select any or all of the users in the list and perform configuration tasks on the users you select.