09 April, 2012

No text converter is installed for this file type’ PowerPoint error

A PowerPoint file may become corrupt owing to a variety of reasons including corrupt operating system, application malfunction, virus infections, and human errors and so on. A corruption scenario is a great cause of worry for anyone who has invested his precious time and indulged in intensive research to create a presentation. You can sail through the above unfortunate situation if you backup your data regularly. However, if you haven’t maintained any backup, there is no need to press the panic button. There are many things you can consider doing to recover PowerPoint file than mulling over going through the grind again.

As a practical case, you may come across the following error while trying to view a ppt file sent via an e-mail:
“No text converter is installed for this file type”

As a result of the above error, you will not be able to access the data stored in the PowerPoint file.

you can receive the above error in the following circumstances:
If you are trying to open a PowerPoint 2007 file in an earlier version of PowerPoint
If you are trying to open a corrupt PowerPoint file (A PowerPoint file received via email has the tendency to get corrupt. It is a good practice to zip the file before sending it as an attachment.)

Below mentioned workarounds can be observed in order to fix the error and access the data from a ppt file:
You can install the compatibility pack which will let you open PowerPoint 2007 file 

To extract the data from a corrupt ppt file, you can observe the following PowerPoint recovery steps:
1.You can click Slides from Files on the Insert menu
2.You can try and recover text by opening a corrupt presentation in Word 
3.Try and access the file on a different hard drive or a computer
4.Open PowerPoint in safe mode and then try to open a corrupt file
5.To recover ppt file if all the above methods fail, you have to rely on a third-party utility

You can download such a tool from the Internet. Ensure you select a read-only application which doesn’t modify the original content.

07 April, 2012

An unexpected error has occurred

When a user tries to add a file to the My Content page, he might encounter this error message. This error can occur when the User Profile service is stopped.

To resolve this error, in Central Administration, do the following:
  1. Click Application Management
  2. In the Service Applications section
  3. Click Manage services on server.
  4. On the Services on Server page
  5. In the User Profile Service row
  6. Click Start.
In case of any queries/information required then please let me know.
I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues J

Outlook Integration Error

Outlook Integration Error

Recently i came across the integration issue, On Office communicator 2007 R2 you will see the Outlook Integration error. There are plenty of reasons of outlook integration error.

I already covered few reasons in my earlier articles.

Here is one of the reasons.
If you expand the error message, you will see the below message-

“There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. Your Outlook profile is not configured correctly. Contact your system administrator with this information"


Note: Outlook Integration error is found on computer where Office 2007 and Exchange Systems Tools installed.
Communicator 2007 is required latest updated mapi version.

  1. Start > Run> type c:\Windows or Winnt\System32 and click on OK.
  2. On System32 page, locate the MAPI32.DLL file.
  3. Right click and select properties, Click on Versions.
  4. You will see MAPI32.DLL version like 6.5.76.... Etc
  5. Restart computer and press F8 key to start machine in safe mode.
  6. Start > Run> type c:\Windows or Winnt\System32 and click on OK.
  7. Locate MAPI32.DLL and rename it.
  8. Copying over the communicator 2007 version of mapi32.dll (ver 1.0.253..) from a working computer.
Thank you!

05 April, 2012

There has been an error creating the personal site-SharePoint 2010

When an end user tries to create an individual site collection on their personal My Site page by clicking the My Content link for the first time, he or she might encounter this error message.

Resolution Steps:
To resolve this error, in Central Administration, do the following:
1.       Click Application Management.
2.       In the Service Applications section, click Manage service applications.
3.       On the Manage Service Applications page, click the User Profile service application that is associated with the Web application that hosts My Sites, and then, in the Operations section of the ribbon, click Manage.
4.       On the Manage Profile Service page, in the My Site Settings section, click Setup My Sites.
5.       On the Manage Profile Service page, in the Personal Site Location section, verify that the value in the Location box is a wildcard inclusion managed path defined on the Web application that hosts My Sites. If not, create a new wildcard inclusion managed path for the Web application, and then use it as the value in the Location box.

In case of any further queries/questions then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issuesJ.

What is the Business Data Catalog (BDC)?

The Business Data Catalog (BDC) is a new innovative framework created by the Office team to provide MOSS sites with integration into line-of-business (LOB) systems such as those created by SAP, Seibel, and PeopleSoft. The BDC additionally provides the means to integrate data directly from database systems such as SQL Server and Oracle. The BDC is included with the Enterprise Edition of MOSS.

While SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (SPS) has made it possible to integrate portal sites with LOB systems, it has required you to write custom code to manage connections and retrieve the data you need to display. Furthermore, the code required changes significantly as you switch between back-end systems from vendors such as SAP and PeopleSoft. The BDC, on the other hand, has been designed to enable you to integrate data from LOB systems without requiring you to write custom code for managing connections and retrieving data.
The design of the BDC is based on metadata that describes the location and format of data within LOB systems in terms of entities and methods. The BDC also provides a standardized method execution engine capable of reading this metadata and retrieving read-only data from LOB systems which is then returned to MOSS in a standard format.
The connectivity between the BDC and traditional LOB systems is achieved using standard Web services. The metadata required defines BDC methods for executing Web service operations. The connectivity between the BDC and database systems is achieved using ADO.NET providers. In this case, the metadata required defines BDC methods for executing SQL statements and/or stored procedures.

The first step in using the BDC is to author an XML file containing the metadata to connect to a back-end system. When you author metadata for the BDC, you define the data you want to retrieve in terms of entities. For example, you might define a customer as one entity and an invoice as another entity. The BDC metadata format also lets you define associations between entities in scenarios when there is a one-to-many relationship such as one that might exist between customers and invoices.

The definition of a BDC entity contains identifiers, properties, and methods. The methods define how the BDC interacts with entry points exposed by the back-end system. For a back-end system accessible through Web services, methods define the names of the Web service operations and the parameters required to call them. For a back-end system that is a database such as SQL Server or Oracle, methods define the names of stored procedure and SQL statements.

Entities can also define actions. A BDC action is used to dynamically parse together the URL behind a hyperlink that allows a user to navigate from a page in an Office SharePoint Server 2007 portal site to another location. For example, an action defined on a BDC customer entity could be written to redirect users to a Web page in an SAP application that supports updates to customer information. Actions were designed to support scenarios where the BDC is used to display read-only data and to bootstrap the user into another application when updating or some other type of external operation is required.

Once you have authored or acquired the XML file with the required BDC metadata for a back-end system, you must import it into the BDC within the scope of a particular SSP to create what is known as a BDC application. You can accomplish this importing process using the SSP administrative Web pages. You can alternatively import an XML file with BDC metadata using custom code written against the BDC administrative object model.

Once you have imported the required metadata to create a BDC application, there are several out-of-the-box techniques to leverage and display its data within a portal site. Office SharePoint Server 2007 ships with a set of Business Web Parts that can be quickly added to pages to query and display BDC data. You can also add new columns to lists and document libraries based on an entity defined in a BDC application. A user editing a column based on a BDC entity is automatically presented with a user interface making it possible to query the back-end system.

The BDC has been designed to integrate with the Office SharePoint Server 2007 Search Service. For example, a back-end system and its entities can be defined as a content source so that the Office SharePoint Server 2007 indexing service will crawl through its data and build indexes for the Office SharePoint Server 2007 search engine. This becomes a powerful feature because it allows users to discover data from back-end systems about things like customers and invoices when running standard search queries through both Office SharePoint Server 2007 portal sites and standard Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 sites.

The BDC provides convenient features to map data from a BDC entity to properties in a user profile and to synchronize this data at periodic intervals. For example, if your company has an SAP system that contains employee data you like to include in user profiles, such as phone numbers or social security numbers, you can configure this type of data importing without writing any custom code.

Finally, BDC entities can also be accessed programmatically using custom code written against the BDC object model. This makes it possible to write custom Web Parts as well as other server-side components and services that run their own BDC queries. One nice aspect of writing code to query BDC entities is that you don’t have to worry about managing connections or whether you are accessing the back-end system through Web services or ADO.NET. All those details are abstracted away by BDC metadata and the BDC execution engine.