28 March, 2009

Not able to open the site and central administration page without entering default.aspx page manually

Directory Listing Denied:The Virtual Directory does not allow Contents to be listed

The Project in which i am working consist of three phase testing as Test-QA and then production. Once we are able to deployed successfully then we implement that change in production which is ideal for everyone.As we need to implement Ajax in the sharepoint farm, it requires .net 3.5 with sp1 to be deployed first. After deploying .net 3.5 in the SharePoint test enviornment, we faced some issues and due to some reasons, we had to revert back the changes and uninstalled .net 3.5.

Now the problem starts, after the uninstallation, when we tried to browse the site, we faced wierd error message "The Virtual Directory does not allow Contents to be listed".

After doing some troubleshooting, we were able to resolved the Problem. The steps that we followed as follows:-
Resolution Steps:-
-IIS Manager
-Home Directory tab
-Wildcard Application Maps
-Add the location path of the aspnet_isapi.dll

Note:-Ensure that the checkbox Verify that the file exists is unchecked, otherwise error 404 page not found will be displayed.
This is because the data is rendered from the SQL database and not from IIS locally, and sharepoint will process this on the run while the site is being accessed.

27 March, 2009

Manual Uninstallation of WSS 3.0 | MOSS 2007

Few days before, while doing a troubleshooting in my lab on one sharepoint issue, I came across some error message and due to that, i need to uninstall Microsoft office sharepoint server 2007.
But while uninstallation of sharePoint 2007, the uninstaller launched, but vanish shortly after starting.

Attempted to uninstall by means of command line, got error message as mentioned below:-
This product installation has been corrupted. Run setup again from the CD, DVD, or other original installation source.

I tried the below mentioned steps to uninstall Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and it worked.
Note:- This steps will also worked for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Stop services, delete registry hives, and delete binaries.[For WSS v3]
-Disable and Stop the following services
-Windows SharePoint Services Administration
-Windows SharePoint Services Search
-Windows SharePoint Services Timer
-Windows SharePoint Services Tracing
-Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer

Note the following registry keys:
From HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0
-InstallPath (default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12)
From HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0
-Location (default is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12)

Delete the following folders:
The value of the InstallPath key
The value of the Location key C:\%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\SERVER12

[For MOSS 2007]
Disable and Stop the following services
-Microsoft Single Sign-on Service
-Office SharePoint Server Search
-Windows SharePoint Services Administration
-Windows SharePoint Services Search
-Windows SharePoint Services Timer
-Windows SharePoint Services Tracing
-Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer

Delete the following registry hives:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0
[x32] - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSERVER
[x64] - HKLM \SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSERVER

Delete the following folders:
The value of the InstallPath keyThe value of the Location key
C:\%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\SERVER12

Restart the server and perform an installation as normal.

Spelling did not complete properly. If this problem persists, notify your system administrator.

One of the many great new features in Microsoft Officer SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 is the ability to use spell check for any content you add to your site. One of the NOT so great new features of MOSS 2007 is the fact that this no longer works if you lock down your permissions on your server.
We recently locked down the permissions for ‘read only’ access users - essentially your viewers in the web site, which for me is any authenticated user. Unfortunately then the complaints started that when ever a user tried to do a spell check they got the error:
“Spelling did not complete properly. If this problem persists, notify your system administrator”

After some digging around it turned out that this is a permissions error. Turns out if you lock down permissions in SharePoint, user’s can no longer view the dictionary against which SharePoint does it’s spell check, and consequently it no longer works.

Thank to Microsoft as this is fixed with Service Pack 1.
Spell Check Permissions work around
You will need to modify the permissions of the Group to which the user has been added, in your case the user has been given Read Permissions.

1. Browse to the root site and go to “Site Actions”->”People and Groups”.
2. Click on “Site Permissions”
3. For the group (say “Visitors”) to which the user facing the problem has been added – find its “Permissions” level – it was “Read” in your case as checked during the last call.
4. Click on “Settings”->”Permissions Levels”
5. Click on “Read”
6. Check the 2 check boxes for “Browse Directories - Enumerate files and folders in a Web site using SharePoint Designer and Web DAV interfaces.” and “Use Remote Interfaces - Use SOAP, Web DAV, or SharePoint Designer interfaces to access the Web site.”.
7. Click on Submit and check if the issue reproduces.

Clicking ‘Connect To This Discussion board’ in SharePoint alert email gives error (0×800401F3)

When using Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2007, when you click ‘Connect To This Discussion board’ from a SharePoint alert email, you receive the following error:
Outlook Send/Receive Progress! Task ‘SharePoint’ reported error (0×800401F3) : ‘Unknown Error 0×800401F3′

Certain headers are encoded by SharePoint which Exchange 2003 does not decode. Exchange 2007 does decode these headers and the issue does not occur with Exchange 2007.

Upgrade to Exchange 2007 to resolve this issue.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition
-Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
-Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007