08 September, 2011

Blocked file types in SharePoint 2010

Each Web application maintains a list of blocked file types that is based on file name extensions. For example, you can block files that have the .exe extension because those files can be run on the client computer and can contain malicious code.

By default, many file types are blocked, including file types that are treated as executable by Internet Explorer. Files, whose names include braces, (for example, filename.{doc}) are also blocked by default.

Following are the file types that are blocked by default and their corresponding file name extensions.

Microsoft Access project extension
Microsoft Access project
Application file
ASP declarations file
ASP.NET Web handler file.
ASP.NET Web Services source file
Active Server Pages
Microsoft Visual Basic class module
Batch file
Compound index
Certificate file
Compiled HTML Help file
Java class file
Microsoft Windows NT command script
Microsoft MS-DOS program
Configuration file
Control Panel extension
Security certificate
Script file
Windows dynamic-link library
Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
Help file
HTML program
Script file
HTML document
Internet Information Services file
Internet database connector file
Internet data query file
Internet Naming Service
Internet Communication settings
Internet Document Set file
JScript Encoded script file
Korn Shell script file
Microsoft Access stored procedure
Microsoft Access add-in program
Microsoft Access program
Microsoft Access MDE database
Microsoft Access data file
Microsoft Access workgroup
Microsoft Access wizard program
Microsoft Common Console document
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Agent script helper
Microsoft Windows Installer package
Windows Installer patch package file
Visual Test source files
Microsoft Office profile settings file
Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
Shortcut to MS-DOS program
System file
Program source file
Printer file
Microsoft Outlook personal folder file
Registration entries
ACT! database maintenance file
Windows Explorer command file
Screen saver
Script file
Windows shortcut
Shell Scrap object
HTML file that contains server-side directives
HTML file that contains server-side directives
Simple Object Access Protocol file
HTML file that contains server-side directives
Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition file
VBScript Encoded Script file
VBScript file
Windows Script file
Windows Script Component
Windows Script file
Windows Script Host settings file

In case of any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know…

I would be more than HAPPY 2 HELP U as well as RESOLVES UR ISSUES :-) :-)

07 September, 2011

Add Web Parts to DispForm, EditForm or NewForm.aspx

One of my user had opened a ticket by asking is it possible to show an “Item List” on the “View Item” page.
When viewed the complete details and browsed to the “View Item” page and clicked the Site Actions then i found out that there were no “Edit Page” option available.
Did some research and found the solution.

Resolution steps are as follows:
1. Open Internet Explorer

2. Navigate to your “View Item” page i.e. DispForm.aspx

3. Replace everything in the URL after “?ID=#“ with “&PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2″ (without the quotes please) and press Enter

That’s it-ISSUE RESOLVED :-) :-)

If you have any queries/questions regarding above mentioned information then please let me know..
I would be more than HAPPY to HELP you as well as RESOLVES your issues, Thanks again!!

Moving the View Dropdown for Wide Lists

Right from last few days, i was working on one issue in which the user had requirement-How to avoid scrolling to the extreme right of the list with more than 25 columns added.

Requirement was complex one but made it simpler because of Mike Smith's Training Notes:http://techtrainingnotes.blogspot.com/2011/07/sharepoint-2007-moving-view-dropdown.html

Mike Smith has written a fabulous article regarding this which reflects a below mentioned code that we need to use by means of SharePoint content editor webpart and thas it !!

-Display the list’s view page
-Click Site Actions, Edit Page
-Add a Content Editor Web Part and move it to the bottom of the page (below the list’s web part)
-Edit the Content Editor Web Part, click the Content Editor button and paste in the following JavaScript
-Save & test

Note: Please refer the exact code from Mike Smith's Traing notes (above mentioned link)

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know...
I would be more than HAPPY to HELP you as well as RESOLVES your issues, Thanks