09 May, 2011

A DDE error has occurred, and a description of the error cannot be displayed because it is too long. If the filename or path is long, try renaming the file or copying it to a different folder.

When you try to open a Microsoft Office 2003 file in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, the document does not open, and you receive the following error message:

A DDE error has occurred, and a description of the error cannot be displayed because it is too long. If the filename or path is long, try renaming the file or copying it to a different folder.

This issue occurs because of a 259-character limitation on creating and saving files in the Office products. Also, you receive an error message when you save or open a file if the path of the file meets the following condition for the appropriate program.

Microsoft Word: The total length of the path and the file name, including file name extension, exceeds 259 characters.

Microsoft PowerPoint: The total length of the path and the file name, including file name extension, exceeds 259 characters.

Microsoft Access: The total length of the path and the file name, including file name extension exceeds 259 characters.

Microsoft Excel: The total length of the path and the file name, including file name extension, exceeds 218 characters.

This limitation includes the three characters that represent the drive, the characters in folder names, the backslash character between folders, and the characters in the file name.
Make sure that the path of the file contains no more than the maximum number of characters. To do this, use one of the following methods.

1.   Rename the file so that it has a shorter name.
2.   Rename one or more folders that contain the file so that they have shorter names.
3.   Move the file to a folder that has a shorter path name.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you.

01 May, 2011

How to configure Document expiration policy

As per microsoft-An information management policy is a set of rules that govern the availability and behavior of a certain type of important content. Policy enables administrators to control and evaluate who can access information, how long to retain information, and how effectively people are complying with the policy.
                    In SharePoint Server 2010, each policy is a collection of instruction sets for one or more policy features. Each policy feature provides a specific kind of content management functionality. You can assign a policy to a content type or to a list.

Major improvements in SP2010 as compare to SP2007 are:

-We can apply expiration policy in sevral stages as Deleting draft versions,deleting previous version,deleting the record, deleting the content type,deleting the folder,deleting the list\library etc...

How to set this expiration policy:
1. To create an Information Management Policy, login as someone with administrator permissions.
2. Navigate to your document library (in my case,suppose-Shared Documents)
3.Navigate to library tab
4. Library settings
5. Information Management Policy Settings

Note: make sure what excately your requirements are as the document library are based on content types so if you apply any policy then it will be applicable for all the content types which are of similar type.

6. Based on 'Note',if you have any doubts then click on 'Change Source' and you will understand as what i am talking about.

Still thinking right ??? What does that mean ??? Don't Worry-Here we go

When you will open that configuration page then you you will see the retention schedule.  Select the libraries and folders radio button. You will receive a warning alert stating the content type retention policy will be ignored. Click ok...

7. now configuration options are available
8. add a retention stage link
9. Now set the policy period as per your requirements and click ok
10. As per the policy that we will set, the documents will be expired without any problems...

Most Important: There is one policy collection per site collection; this collection can contain any number of policies. Each policy contains any number of policy items, and each item encapsulates settings information for and points to a single policy feature. Multiple policies can contain a policy item that points to the same policy feature. Each policy feature can employ any number of policy resources to assist its operation. Each policy feature employs its own collection of policy resources; policy resources are not shared between policy features.

You can assign only one policy to a given content type or SharePoint list. However, that policy can contain any number of policy items.

If you have any confusion/queries/questions regarding the above mentioned steps then please let me know...I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues...

20 April, 2011

Closed Web Parts

The Closed Web Parts gallery is a collection of Web Parts that are available to a specific Web Part Page but not visible on the page, whether you are browsing through or designing the page. Each Web Part Page has its own Closed Web Parts gallery. Through this gallery, a Web Part Page author can, for example, create a collection of recommended Web Parts for users to add to the Web Part Page.

Ticket submitted: One of my user was playing with the webparts :-) Dont know why ? In that playing, he closed all the webparts that were present on that page..and now the request is-How to get those webparts back ??

Note: web parts can be removed from a site home page by using two methods:
-Webpart can be closed by clicking the X button
-Deleting the web part

How to open a closed Web Part/ How to Restore Closed Web Parts
1. Site Actions- Edit Page
2. Click Add a Web Part
3. Click Advanced Web Part gallery and options
4. Click Closed Web Parts
5. Drag closed web part onto the page

One thing- I would like to share over here is performance.When we closed any webparts/n-number of webparts- we assume that those are closed/removed from the page but actually they are not...When we try to hit the page, page will take some time to reder the webparts which are open as well as which are closed. So now the webparts comes into the picture which are customized. if we closed any such webparts (example-content query webpart) everytime the page was opened it wouldn't display but it would still run its query.

I would like to share good information on this which is explained by Wictor Wilen(http://www.wictorwilen.se/Post/Why-you-should-not-allow-users-to-Close-Web-Parts.aspx)

One more thing-if you wants to Remove a webpart completely from a page then here are the steps:
1. Site Actions - Edit Page
2. Click the edit button in the chrome dropdown
3. Choose Delete - Ok

if you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know..I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues...

13 April, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Out-of-the-box Webparts

Web Parts are reusable components that display content on Web pages in SharePoint 2010. Web Parts are a fundamental part of the team site experience.

Web-parts are sections which can be inserted into Pages in SharePoint sites. These sections are UI Widgets whose typical uses are:
  • Displaying items from Lists/Libraries
  • Providing Access to Features in the SharePoint platform (e.g. Search)
  • Displaying content defined in the Web-Part's settings (e.g. custom content or an iFrame)

List of SharePoint 2010 Web Parts

Lists and Libraries:
Announcements -Use this list to track upcoming events, status updates or other team news
Calendar -Use the Calendar list to keep informed of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and other important events
Links - Use the Links list for links to Web pages that your team members will find interesting or useful
Shared Documents – Share a document with the team by adding it to this document library
Site Assets -Use this library to store files which are included on pages within this site, such as images on Wiki pages
Site Pages –Use this library to create and store pages on this site
Tasks – Use the Tasks list to keep track of work that you or your team needs to complete
Team Discussions –Use the Team Discussion list to hold newsgroup-style discussions on topics relevant to your team

Business Data
BusinessData Actions
Business Data Connectivity Filter
Business Data Item
Business Data Item Builder
Business Data List
Business Data Related List
Indicator Details
Status Lis

Content Rollup
- Content Query
- HTML Form Web Part
- Picture LIbrary Slideshow Web Part
- RSS Viewer
- XML Viewer

My Information
- My Calendar
- My Contacts
- My Inbox
- My Mail Folder
- My Tasks

Media and Content
- Content Editor
- Image Viewer
- Page Viewer

- Categories 
- Site Aggregator
- Sites in Category
- Summary Links
- Table of Contents

- Advanced Search Box
- Dual Chinese Search - Used to search Dual Chinese documentand items at the same time
- Federated REsults
- People Refinment Panel - This web part helps the users to refine people search results
- People Search Box
- People Search Core Results
- Refinement Panel - used to refine results
- Related Queries
- Search Action LInks
- Search Best Bets
- Searhc Box
- Search Core Results
- Search Paging
- Search Statistics
- Search Summary
- Search Visual Best Bet - displays visual best bets 
- Search Federated Results

Performance Point
- PerformancePoint Filter
- PerformancePoint Report
- PerformancePoint Scorecard
- PerformancePoint Stack Selector

My Information
- My Calendar
- My Contacts
- My Inbox
- My Mail Folder
- My Tasks

Content Rollup
Categories –Displays categories from the Site Directory
Content Query – Displays a dynamic view of content from your site
Relevant Documents – Displays documents that are relevant to the current user
RSS Viewer –Displays an RSS feed
Site Aggregator – Displays sites of your choice.
Sites In Category – Displays sites from the Site Directory within a specific category
Summary Links – Allows authors to create links that can be grouped and styled
Table Of Contents – Displays the navigation hierarchy of your site
Web Analytics web Part –Displays the most viewed content, most frequent search queries from a site, or most frequent search queries from a search center
WSRP Viewer – Displays portlets from web sites using WSRP 1.1
XML Viewer – Transforms XML data using XSL and shows the results

Please let me know in case of any questions or queries so that we can discussed the same and try to resolved it as soon as possible,Thanks

10 April, 2011

Blocked File Types: SharePoint

As a server administrator, you can use Central Administration to restrict certain kinds of files from being uploaded or retrieved, based on the file extension. For example, a file with the .exe file extension can potentially contain code that runs on client computers when the file is downloaded. If files with the .exe file extension are blocked, users can neither upload nor download a file with the .exe extension. By blocking this file type, potentially dangerous content in the .exe file cannot be downloaded and run on client computers.
By default, several standard file extensions are blocked, including any file extensions that are treated as executable files by Windows Explorer. Files with curly braces { or } are also automatically blocked. The file extensions blocked by default are shown in the following table.

.adeMicrosoft Access project extension
.adpMicrosoft Access project
.appApplication file
.asaASP declarations file
.ashxASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
.asmxASP.NET Web Services source file
.aspActive Server Pages
.basMicrosoft Visual Basic class module
.batBatch file
.cdxCompound index
.cerCertificate file
.chmCompiled HTML Help file
.classJava class file
.cmdMicrosoft Windows NT command script
.comMicrosoft MS-DOS program
.configConfiguration file
.cplControl Panel extension
.crtSecurity certificate
.cshScript file
.dllWindows dynamic link library
.fxpMicrosoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
.hlpHelp file
.htaHTML program
.htrScript file
.htwHTML document
.idaInternet Information Services file
.idcInternet database connector file
.idqInternet data query file
.insInternet Naming Service
.ispInternet Communication settings
.itsInternet Document Set file
.jseJScript Encoded script file
.kshKorn Shell script file
.masMicrosoft Access stored procedure
.mdaMicrosoft Access add-in program
.mdbMicrosoft Access program
.mdeMicrosoft Access MDE database
.mdtMicrosoft Access data file
.mdwMicrosoft Access workgroup
.mdzMicrosoft Access wizard program
.mscMicrosoft Common Console document
.mshMicrosoft Agent script helper
.msh1Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1xmlMicrosoft Agent script helper
.msh2Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2xmlMicrosoft Agent script helper
.mshxmlMicrosoft Agent script helper
.msiMicrosoft Windows Installer package
.mspWindows Installer patch package file
.mstVisual Test source files
.opsMicrosoft Office profile settings file
.pcdPhoto CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
.pifShortcut to MS-DOS program
.prfSystem file
.prgProgram source file
.printerPrinter file
.pstMicrosoft Outlook personal folder file
.regRegistration entries
.remACT! database maintenance file
.scfWindows Explorer command file
.scrScreen saver
.sctScript file
.shbWindows shortcut
.shsShell Scrap object
.shtmHTML file that contains server side directives
.shtmlHTML file that contains server side directives
.soapSimple Object Access Protocol file
.stmHTML file that contains server side directives
.urlUniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
.vbMicrosoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript)) file
.vbeVBScript Encoded Script file
.vbsVBScript file
.wsWindows Script file
.wscWindows Script Component
.wsfWindows Script file
.wshWindows Script Host settings file