07 September, 2011

Add Web Parts to DispForm, EditForm or NewForm.aspx

One of my user had opened a ticket by asking is it possible to show an “Item List” on the “View Item” page.
When viewed the complete details and browsed to the “View Item” page and clicked the Site Actions then i found out that there were no “Edit Page” option available.
Did some research and found the solution.

Resolution steps are as follows:
1. Open Internet Explorer

2. Navigate to your “View Item” page i.e. DispForm.aspx

3. Replace everything in the URL after “?ID=#“ with “&PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2″ (without the quotes please) and press Enter

That’s it-ISSUE RESOLVED :-) :-)

If you have any queries/questions regarding above mentioned information then please let me know..
I would be more than HAPPY to HELP you as well as RESOLVES your issues, Thanks again!!

Moving the View Dropdown for Wide Lists

Right from last few days, i was working on one issue in which the user had requirement-How to avoid scrolling to the extreme right of the list with more than 25 columns added.

Requirement was complex one but made it simpler because of Mike Smith's Training Notes:http://techtrainingnotes.blogspot.com/2011/07/sharepoint-2007-moving-view-dropdown.html

Mike Smith has written a fabulous article regarding this which reflects a below mentioned code that we need to use by means of SharePoint content editor webpart and thas it !!

-Display the list’s view page
-Click Site Actions, Edit Page
-Add a Content Editor Web Part and move it to the bottom of the page (below the list’s web part)
-Edit the Content Editor Web Part, click the Content Editor button and paste in the following JavaScript
-Save & test

Note: Please refer the exact code from Mike Smith's Traing notes (above mentioned link)

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know...
I would be more than HAPPY to HELP you as well as RESOLVES your issues, Thanks

05 September, 2011

sharepoint server 2010 tutorial

sharepoint server 2010 sp1

SharePoint Server 2010 SP1 Download: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2460045

Why SharePoint Server 2010 is fabulous ?

Below mentioned information has been conveyed by Bill Baer, Senior Technical Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation:

Site Recycle Bin
Service Pack 1 will introduce long awaited Site Recycle Bin functionality that enables self-service recovery of site collections and sites.   In the past IT Professionals were tasked with restoring entire databases to recover deleted site collections and sites and would generally require expensive restore environments to support the task.  Now in Service Pack 1 administrators can quickly and easily recover site collections and sites accidentally deleted by their owners in a process similar to that of the Recycle Bin we have for Lists, Libraries, and Documents.

 In SharePoint 2010 we removed StorMan.aspx (Storage Space Allocation) (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982587/EN-US) which in previous versions of SharePoint enabled granular management and insight into storage.  For example, the page would show you the top 100 documents or document libraries in terms of size.  With that information end users could the page to clean up content from their site(s) by deleting the large content that they no longer needed.  In Service Pack 1 we are bringing back an improved StorMan.aspx, enabling users to better understand where their quota is going and act upon that information to reduce the size of their sites.
 New enhancements will improve the way you interact with information in SharePoint 2010. Service Pack 1 adds support for working with SharePoint and the Office Web Applications using Internet Explorer 9 and the Google Chrome browser (for a complete list of supported browsers for SharePoint 2010 see also http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc263526.aspx), support for Open Document Format documents, and more.
Chrome Support for SharePoint & Office Web Apps
 New Powershell cmdlet (Move-spsite) for moving Site Collections between databases without moving content back in the db (when using RBS)

Improved backup / restore functionality for SharePoint Server

sharepoint 2010 books

Excellent book for new or experienced SharePoint administrators. This book covers architecture, installation, upgrading, SQL optimization, information management, protecting content and data, external data sources, general administration tasks, and much more.

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Unleashed
Learn about the new features in SharePoint 2010 and how to architect and implement a new farm. This book is for architects and SharePoint administrators. The book covers architecture, installation, disaster recovery,SQL maintenance, alternate authentication scenarios, workflows, BI solutions, and much more. 
  1. Professional SharePoint 2010 Administration
    read my review)
  2. Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Building Solutions for SharePoint 2010 (Books for Professionals by Professionals)
  3. SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide: Learning Microsoft’s Business Collaboration Platform (Expert's Voice in SharePoint)  
  4. Professional SharePoint 2010 Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)  
  5. Beginning SharePoint 2010 Development (Wrox Beginning Guides)
  6. Beginning SharePoint 2010 Administration: Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (Wrox Beginning Guides)
    read my review)  
  7. SharePoint 2010 For Dummies
  8. SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform (Expert's Voice in SharePoint)
  9. Professional Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel and SharePoint (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
  10. Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administrator's Pocket Consultant
If you have any queries/questions regarding SharePoint then please let me know.

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thanks