30 March, 2011

Delete a site collection by using Central Administration + SharePoint 2010

1. Verify that you have the following administrative credentials:

 To delete a site collection, the user account that is performing this procedure must be a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group.

2. On the Central Administration Web site, on the Quick Launch, click Application Management

3. On the Application Management page, in the Site Collections section, click Delete a site collection.

4. On the Delete Site Collection page, in the Site Collection drop-down list, click the down arrow, and then click Change Site Collection.

The Select Site Collection dialog box appears.

5. In the Web Application drop-down list, click the down arrow, and then click Change Web Application.

The Select Web Application dialog box appears.

6. Click the name of the Web application that contains the site 
collection that you want to delete. 

Relative URLs of sites in the site collections of the Web application that you have selected appear on the Select Site Collection dialog box.

7. Click the relative URL of the site collection that you want to delete, and then click OK.

8. Read the Warning section and verify that the site collection information is correct.

9. On the Delete Site Collection page, click Delete.

The site collection that you select is deleted.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know,Thanks...

Create a site collection by using Central Administration + SP2010

1. Verify that you have the following administrative credentials:

-To create a site collection, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group on the computer that is running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

2. On the Central Administration Web site, in the Application Management section, click Create site collections.

3. On the Create Site Collection page, in the Web Application section, if the Web application in which you want to create the site collection is not selected, on the Web Application menu click Change Web Application, and then click the Web application in which you want to create the site collection.

4. In the Title and Description section, type the title and description for the site collection.

5. In the Web Site Address section, select the path to use for your URL (for example, a wildcard inclusion path such as /sites/, or the root directory (/).

If you select a wildcard inclusion path, you must also type the site name to use in your site's URL.

6. In the Template Selection section, in the Select a template list, select the template that you want to use for the top-level site in the site collection, or click the Custom tab to create an empty site and apply a template later.

7. In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, type the user name (in the form DOMAIN\username) for the user who will be the site collection administrator.

8. In the Secondary Site Collection Administrator section, type the user name for the secondary administrator of the site collection.

Designating a secondary site collection administrator is a best practice to ensure that someone can manage the site collection when a primary site collection administrator is not present.

9. If you are using quotas to manage storage for site collections, in the Quota Template section, click a template in the Select a quota template list.

10. Click OK.

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know,Thanks...

23 March, 2011

IE crashes when opening Office documents on SharePoint?

One of the most common problems around the office seems to be the browser crashes when attempting to open files in a SharePoint document library. 

Yesterday, one of my user had raised a ticket that he is facing a problem with Internet Explorer 6 crashing whenever he try to open an office document in a SharePoint.

Exact issue details: You connect to a document library in a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site or in a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site by using Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. However, when you try to open a Microsoft Office document, Internet Explorer crashes (stops responding). 

This problem occurs if the following conditions are true:

    - You install a Microsoft Office 2003 product on the computer.
    - You install one or more 2007 Office system programs on the computer.
    - You repair or update the installation of an Office 2003 product.

In this scenario, the older version of the Name.dll file becomes the registered version. When the Owssupp.dll file is used, it tries to use functionality that is not available. This condition causes Internet Explorer to crash (stop responding). 

Download and install Microsoft Hotfix Patch

Another issue which is based on the same story but configuration is different:

if you face below mentioned error message and your machine configuration is windows vista, office 2007 and internet explorer 7 then please follow the below mentioned steps to resolve the issue:

-Click Start Button

-Type Office Diagnostics into Search box

-Click Microsoft Office Diagnostics

-Click Continue to begin the scan.

-It will take some time to run and as it scans your system, you should see results appear online

-Done!!!- click on continue (If you click on the Continue button above, you will be taken to a 

Microsoft Office site which will give you detailed information regarding what was found)

If you have any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned info then please let me know, Thanks...

19 March, 2011

File Name, Length, Size and Invalid Character Restrictions and Recommendations

New Blocked File Types

If you were familiar with the WSS 2.0 list, there are some new Blocked File Types: .asmx, .rem, .resx, .soap, or .ashx.  If they existed before upgrade they are no longer visible or cannot be opened after upgrade.  These file extensions have been added to the list of blocked file extensions.

You now have the ability to make differences between farm wide blocked file types and web application blocked file types.  If you want to un block it, it needs to be removed at both farm and application levels, but you can add specific blocked files for a single web application.  The farm level block list for example will override anything removed at the web application level.

My most commonly removed blocked files are .chm (help files), .lnk (url link), .url (url link) 

My most commonly added blocked files are .mp3 (audio), .pst (mail), .vhd (virtual hard drive)

Site Names

-In WSS Site Names may not contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | # { } % & " ~ +
-You cannot start a site name, sub site name, or a site group name with an underscore (_) character or with the period character (I recommend avoiding the (_) underscore in site names)
-You cannot use the period character consecutively in the middle of a site name
-You cannot use the period character at the end of a site name

File Names

-Invalid characters: " # % & * : < > ? \ / { | } ~ 
-Cannot be longer than 128 characters
-You cannot use the period character consecutively in the middle of a file name
-You cannot use the period character at the end of a file name
-You cannot start a file name with the period character

Folder Names

-You cannot use the following characters anywhere in a folder name or a server name:  ~ # % & * { } \ : < > ? / | "
-Cannot be longer than 128 characters
-You cannot use the period character consecutively in the middle of a folder name
-You cannot use the period character at the end of a folder name
-You cannot start a folder name with the period character

Max File Upload/Download Sizes

The default max single file upload size is 50 MB by default for a web application.  

Microsoft IT limits their environment at 100 MB, and the maximum that the product itself can handle or support is 2GB which is essentially a SQL limit.  By setting the limit to blank will essentially support what SQL will support.

Increase the maximum upload size

1.  Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Central Administration.
2.  Under Virtual Server Configuration, click Configure virtual server settings.
3.  On the Virtual Server List page, click the virtual server you want to change.
4.  On the Virtual Server Settings page, under Virtual Server Management, click Virtual server general settings.
5.  Under Maximum upload size, type the maximum file size (in MB) that you want to allow to be uploaded.
6.  Click OK.

1. Get into the SharePoint Central Administration Site
2. Select "Application Management"
3. Under the "SharePoint Web Application Management" section select "Web Application General Settings"
4. Change the "Maximum Upload Size"

If IIS is timing out when you upload large files, you can configure the Connection timeout setting in IIS to allow more than the default 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Tune the IIS connection timeout

1.    Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2.    Right-click the virtual server you want to configure, and then click Properties.
3.    Click the Web Site tab.
4.    In the Connections section, in the Connection timeout box, type the number of seconds you want IIS to wait before timing out.
5.    Click OK.

Coying the files from document library to local hard disk / how to copy/upload documents from local folder to Sharepoint document library

Document libraries are collections of files that you can share with team members on a Web based on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. For example, you can create a library of common documents for a project, and team members can use their Web browsers to find the files, read them, and make comments. Users with Microsoft Office 2003 can check out and edit the files as if they resided on a local or network drive.

Please refer the following steps as mentioned below:

Copy / Move SharePoint Document Library files to local folder:

1. Open the sharepoint site that you are using/referring to

2. Go to the sharepoint document library in which all the files resides

3. In the right hand side of the document library, you can see 'ALL DOCUMENTS' View, Please click on that and select 'EXPLORER VIEW'

4. You will see the same set of files/folders which are present in standard view, now select the number of files/folders that you wants to move/copy by using basic windows operations.

Windows commands:

CTRL A: Select

5. Suppose if you had selected to copy(CTRL C) then go to the local drive/Desktop location where you wants to paste/move and paste it(CTRL V)-thats it..

6. Depending upon the size of the documents, it will take some time to complete the operation...

same procedure will be applied to copy/upload documents from local folder to SharePoint document library i.e. EXPLORER VIEW so that the activity will be completed in quick manner...

If you have any queries/questions then please let me know..

I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your queries..Thanks...