21 November, 2012

SharePoint Logs Showing Unexpected Error Related to CMS/Cached Values?

Error: While taking a look at our SharePoint logs, we noticed a very large number of entries similar to the following:
11/06/2012 08:23:11.47  w3wp.exe (0x276C)                        0x1BF0 CMS                            Publishing                     0 Unexpected Cached Value found.  Value is False 
11/06/2012 08:23:11.47  w3wp.exe (0x276C)                        0x1BF0 CMS                            Publishing                     0 Unexpected XXX / is a descendent of / - False)
By looking at this we see one of these for each site/subsite in the site collection, as well as individual pages, but we are unsure of what process would be going through the entire site like this.
Some people were suggesting that this error occurred only after you upgrade your environment with June 2011 or Aug 2011 cumulative updates. It’s been one and half year since MS had releases 2011 cumulative updates and surely this could not be the possible cause of issue in our environment. So far MS has been suggesting disabling logging for the "Publishing" category as that's what has been suggested in other similar cases as well.
With Microsoft Support it goes by like this:
"As discussed earlier today, this issue is a bug. A bug request is filed for this to the product group and we are waiting for an outcome. This may however take some time. In the meantime the workaround is to go into the Diagnostic Logging section and set the option to NONE for the Publishing category. I have also checked around to see if there is other way to work around this but there does not seem to be any for the moment”.
Finally MS suggested us change the logging method in our environment which had fixed the issue for us. Below are the stsadm commands for your reference.
Set Publishing to none.
stsadm  -o setlogginglevel -category “Publishing” –tracelevel none windowslogginglevel none
stsadm  -o listlogginglevel
Restart the Tracing Service
net stop sptracer
net start sptrace
If you have any queries \ questions, do let me know, I would be happy to answer those.  

Event ID 7888 Runtime Exception Thread was being aborted and Event ID 5538 an error occurred in the blob cache

Errors: You will see the below error messages in the event viewer.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Office SharePoint Server
Event Category: Office Server General
Event ID: 7888
Date:  9/14/2010
Time:  2:31:08 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: SPSMOSS20071
A runtime exception was detected. Details follow.
Message: Thread was being aborted.
Techinal Details:
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.AcquireWriterLockInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.BlobCache.<>c__DisplayClass14.<>c__DisplayClass17.b__11()
   at Microsoft.Office.Server.Diagnostics.FirstChanceHandler.ExceptionFilter(Boolean fRethrowException, TryBlock tryBlock, FilterBlock filter, CatchBlock catchBlock, FinallyBlock finallyBlock)
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Office SharePoint Server
Event Category: Publishing Cache
Event ID: 5538
Date:  9/14/2010
Time:  2:31:08 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: SPSMOSS20071
An error occured in the blob cache.  The exception message was 'Thread was being aborted.'.
Resolution 1:
Flush the blob cache to ensure that the fix can take place on a new, fresh cache
- set the NTFS permissions for "WSS_WPG" group with "full permissions" of the defined Blobcache folder
- change the values in web.config as recommended in this sample here:
BlobCache location="E:\blobcache" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|htc|)$ " maxSize="10" max-age="86400" enabled="true"/

Resolution 2:
This could also be a database permission issue.
Write down the name of the content database of the Sharepoint site, on which we are receiving this error from Sharepoint Central Admin -> Application Management
-> Sharepoint Web Application Management -> Content Databases ->  Select that URL or Web Application from the list
Go to SQL 2005 Management Studio -> select that  database - properties - write down the location
If you are using SSEE, we may need to download the SQL 2005 Management Studio Express (SSMSE) , to perform this operation
Go to that location, go a level up, i.e. if the location is something like
d:\SQLDATA, go to D:\ level and add ‘Authenticated Users’ with default permissions,
i.e. ‘Read & Execute’, ‘List Folder Contents’ and ‘Read’
If  you have any queries/questions do let me know.

19 November, 2012

sharepoint 2013 videos

Watch or download the following content for information about how to plan for, install, or manage SharePoint 2013.

Content Description

Video (play button) icon
Video: Social computing overview in SharePoint Server 2013 View a video of enterprise social computing and collaboration in SharePoint 2013, featuring Bill Baer, SharePoint Senior Product Marketing Manager.

Video (play button) icon
SharePoint 2013 training for IT pros Find IT pro-focused how-to training and walkthrough videos with this interactive course about SharePoint 2013 including changes and new features for search, social, plus deployment and performance/scalability.

SharePoint 2013 Video Tutorials – BY Asif Rehmani

sharepoint 2013 enhancements

Features removed in SharePoint 2013

The following features and functionality have been deprecated or changed in SharePoint 2013.
1.    Visual upgrade
2.    Document Workspace site template
3.    Personalization Site template
4.    Meeting Workspace site templates
5.    Group Work site template and Group Work solution
6.    Visio Process Repository site template
7.    Unghosting and customizing CSS files
8.    Imaging Web service
9.    Excel Services — Can't edit workbooks in the browser that have external data connections
10. Web Analytics in SharePoint Server 2010
11. Modifying the search topology using a web-based interface
12. Diacritic sensitivity element in the thesaurus
13. Replacement mode within the thesaurus
14. Search Query web service
15. Search RSS and search from Windows
16. Custom word breaker dictionaries
17. SharePoint Search SQL syntax
18. Shallow search refiners
19. FAST Search database connector
20. FAST Search Lotus Notes connector
21. FAST Search web crawler
22. FAST Query Language (FQL) deprecated features
23. URL Query syntax
24. Specific search scope filters
25. Anti-phrasing
26. Offensive content filtering
27. Substring search
28. Person names and location extractions
29. Number of custom entity extractors
30. Supported document formats
31. Content processing extensibility
32. Custom XML item processing
33. Adding a test item to the index